What’s This? A New Goal?

We’re on Week 2 of the Ko-fi Membership Drive. Since things have been quiet and there haven’t been new signups this week, I want to announce a new goal.

At 12 members, all members will get a pocket zine full of caticorn sketches!

(We’re keeping the theme going, since we unlocked the 10-member goal of The Little Caticorn mini-print.)

The other goals are the same – at 15 members, all members will get the 4×6-inch mini-print of the Forest Spirit. And at 20 members, all members will get the 4×6-inch mini-print of Prince Odinon.

But can we make it to 12 members? We’re already at 10, we just need two more folks who believe in dragons, pirates, and caticorns!

As a reminder, Ko-fi members get early access to webcomic updates, including Vanita and the Demon King, which is coming back from hiatus this week! Members also get exclusive discount codes for the Ko-fi shop and commissions, and high-tier members get pocket zines and 4×6-inch mini-prints.

To learn more, head to the Ko-fi Membership page and pick what works for your budget!

OR… you can give just once by leaving a tip, or browsing my Ko-fi shop. I’ll let y’all know that there’s only 1 physical copy left of Thoughtful Dinosaur, so someone should nab that ASAP.

If you’re broke, but still want to support, spread the word of the Membership drive, and head over to my YouTube channel and subscribe. My goal is to reach 1,000 subs before the end of the year! (Also, I’m streaming live this Saturday at 6 pm EDT, if you want to watch.)

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

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