Thoughtful Dinosaur is the story of Billy Veloci, a young lady velociraptor who has just graduated from college and has her life figured out. Unfortunately, she (and 99% of her coworkers) are let go, leaving her to pick the pieces of her life back up and do her best to figure out how to adult.
This story was originally made only for Patreon patrons and newsletter subscribers. Now, it’s on KickStarter to be made into a paperback book!
Hold it! I can hear you say. Why not just use the Patreon funds to print it?
Well, that question is answered on the KickStarter page, but here it is: Patreon patrons helped make the actual drawing/writing of the comic strip possible. However, the funds are not enough to get every facet of printing the book covered. That’s why the KickStarter is happening.
And HOLY BANANA PANTS is it happening! I announced it first to patrons, previous KickStarter backers for Seeing Him and Johnson & Sir, and newsletter subscribers – I hadn’t even announced it in a huge way to the rest of the world – and we’re already just over 75% funded! It hasn’t even been a week! You folks are bananas and I love you.
I hope we reach the goal before the end of the weekend. Maybe some folks at Youngstown Indie Comics Expo (happening tomorrow) may be interested, wink wink.
No seriously, thank you to everybody in the campaign so far. If you can pledge, please do! If you can’t, tell your dino-loving friends about the campaign!
Thank you for reading.
You. Are. Awesome.