Seeing Him PDF Now Available for Download!

the cover for seeing him, a transgender romantic comedy comic. On it we see a city skyline in negative silhouette. Walking below it are a young woman and a transgender man, smiling and holding hands.
Seeing Him Written by Kai and Drawn by me. June 2015.

Seeing Him is the story of Kate, a roller skating rink owner, and Adam, a transgender doctor, who fall in love and start making a life together. Also, shenanigans ensue.

Since its publication online in 2015, Seeing Him has had two homes – both of which, unfortunately, ended up closing down.

But the third time’s the charm! Seeing Him is now available as a PDF download in my Ko-Fi shop for $1.

As an addendum: In the original webcomic run of the story, a page in Chapter 2 had a deeply negative reception. After a review of the comic, I – Kelci – have elected to remove this page from the final product. This is because the page in question did not impact the rest of the story in any meaningful way. I have done this for the comfort of the reader, and to reflect the growth of the author and artist behind this project.

So if you have the means, get the PDF comic over on Ko-Fi!

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Adam and Julianne at the Hockey Game

seeing him sketch adam and julianne at hockey game
Tone it down a bit there, Juli. Yeesh!

At a later point in chapter 1, on Adam and Kate’s second date, they both play a roller hockey game with their friends at the roller rink Kate manages. Unfortunately, Adam is terrible at roller hockey and Julianne got a penalty (“I’m ‘too aggressive,’ or whatever,” she says), so they both sit in the penalty box.

And then THIS happens.

I love ya, Julianne.

If you want to see more of their shenanigans, please pledge to Seeing Him, the Webcomic on KickStarter. And then tell your friends about it! Any bit of help is really appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. In yesterday’s blog post I said I would write about my DC trip this last weekend. Woops! I’ll remedy that tomorrow.

What’s the KickStarter Funding Next?

seeing him promo image

Ok, before I update you on how my trip to DC went, I need to make this post explaining something, because there’s been a bit of confusion.

Back in November, Kia and I ran the first KickStarter for Seeing Him, the Webcomic. That’s the campaign that failed.


Not just because the goal was too high, or the rewards were too much work.

The reason the goal was high was because we hoped to fund the first two to three chapters of the series.

We failed the first time.

So when Kia and I regrouped, we decided to only fund raise for the first 15 pages. It wasn’t the entirety of chapter 1, but 15 pages had a goal of $600. We both felt that $600 was a good, attainable amount to start with for an unknown webcomic.

The idea was, if we didn’t get funded at all, we just wouldn’t make the series. However, if we got funded at $600, we could make additional comics pages the stretch goals.

We would LOVE to get enough funds to make the first chapter in its entirety.

But for a webcomic that hasn’t started yet, that may be asking a bit too much.

So far, everyone has been super supportive and helping to get Seeing Him, the Webcomic funded! We are already up to a $100 stipend for Kia. Now our next goal is $750, to help cover Kia’s stipend and 20 pages of comics! The stretch goal after that, $900, will get Kia a bigger stipend of $150 AND get the full chapter done!

So, if you can, please give your support, whether you pledge or spread the word. Every little bit helps and we have less than 14 days left!

Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

P.S. Tomorrow I’m going to talk about my trip to DC this last weekend. Look forward to: sunburns, cuckoo clocks, and art history. Oh my!