Godzilla and King Kong in Booty Shorts? It’s on Crowdfundr!

Godzilla and King Kong smile while in booty shorts that sparkle.



Oh boy, buckle up.

So Godzilla’s booty happened because, at last year’s Small Press Expo, there was a cartoonist party at Fantom Comics in DC. During that party, folks set up a jam comic – basically a sheet of craft paper the size of a table, so artists could draw a comic one panel at a time.

At that party, our group made Godzilla and the Toe. It involved Godzilla, well-drawn feet, booty shorts, and beaches.

And King Kong?

Well, I had to draw Godzilla with a buddy! Especially during one of my YouTube Livestreams, where I drew these two for your viewing pleasure.

I had also been low-key inspired by nerdile art, who appeared at Animarathon this year with Magical Girl Godzilla stickers. I got one, fell in love, and needed to make something just as silly.

What better silly thing to make than a joke that came out during a cartoonist party?

So there! We now have Godzilla and King Kong having a great, booty-ful time. And now…I want to make holographic stickers of them! Because these booties need to sparkle.

So why run a campaign at all? To see how many folks want these fat-bottomed Kaiju sticking on every available surface so they can share their joy!

You tell me how many stickers you want. I’ll tally up the total orders by the end of the campaign, send what’s needed to Stickerapp, and then they’ll send me the stickers. From there, I’ll mail out everyone’s orders with a custom card and my thanks (I’ll keep the glitter to a minimum).


This campaign will take orders until May 24 at 11:59 pm!

You only have a few days! So grab these Kaiju cheeks now while you can!

Broke? Share this campaign far and wide! Sharing is caring and helps a lot. (I also cannot be held responsible if you disappoint Godzilla AND King Kong, you mad lads.)

That’s all for now. Thank you for your time and support!

You. Are. Awesome.

Coming This Week…The Sticker of the Month Club!

A selection of stickers for the Sticker of the Month club.

Thank you to the fans on the latest livestream for helping to come up with this idea. Coming soon, (like, if all goes well, this should launch on July 2), the Sticker of the Month Club!

See, after that livestream, I had the thought, “Stickers were super popular at the Mini Pop-Up Event. Why not a Sticker of the Month Club?”

I did the math, and once I did, I thought, “HOLY BANANA PANTS, WHY DIDN’T THIS HAPPEN SOONER?”

Here’s what I want to do:

Each month, subscribers get a sticker in their mailboxes, along with a personalized thank-you note.

The cost? $10 a month for subscribers. That $10 will cover the sticker AND shipping/handling. (This price point is for USA patrons. There will be a separate tier for internationals). Subscribers also get access to my Tiny Dinos Discord server and shout-outs in the credits for KickStarter projects.

For fans who already give $10+ per month through Ko-Fi... Well good news! I can add you automatically to the Sticker of the Month Club if you’re interested! No need to go to a separate site to pledge.

My goals with the Sticker of the Month Club are:

  • to offer something cool and different to subscribers,
  • to engage with folks in a unique way,
  • to have new offerings at convention and author appearances,
  • to have another source of income so I don’t have to do (so many?) DoorDash shifts.

Now, let me answer some other questions:

Some folks had originally pitched a “T-shirt of the month club,” because another artist had some success with it. I want to address that real quick by saying: First, everyone and their brother does a T-shirt business. They’re oversaturated. To the point that a business educator told me once, “Don’t go into T-shirts.” I’d like to do something that stands out instead.

Also, T-shirts are not as environmentally sound as folks think they are. It takes a LOT of resources to make T-shirts, and despite the best efforts of lots of folks, most of them end up in landfills.

Not to mention, I live in a small apartment. I don’t have room to store extra shirts. And to folks who say, “Well, you could get a print-on-demand service to do it,” I’d rather not this time, for reasons I’ll get into in a second.

If you’re wondering, “Are you going to do the art AND the logistics?” Yes. I’ll make the art and mail these out to subscribers. I already have a printer for these stickers, because I’ve printed with them before and REALLY liked their quality and pricing. I also already track inventory for my convention appearances, so I’m comfortable with that step already. (Not to mention that I’m used to tracking customers – things that sound creepy, but aren’t – because of KickStarter reward fulfillment).

Plus, if I print extra stickers each month, I can post the remainder for sale on Ko-Fi and take them with me to conventions.

Should this idea EXPLODE, I’ll revisit this arrangement. But I’m comfortable with this idea. Right now, I don’t expect this Sticker of the Month Club to overtake The Legend of Jamie Roberts in popularity. I have the bandwidth to do both (especially since I don’t work at NeverEnding).

Excited? I hope so!

I’m announcing the official launch of the Sticker of the Month Club on my email newsletter when it’s ready, so if you want on board, go sign up to get the news first.

Like I said before, if you already give $10+ per month through Ko-Fi, I can add you to the Sticker of the Month Club automatically. Hit me up at kelcidcrawford@gmail.com if you want to sign up.

Broke? Share this news with your sticker-loving friends!

Got more questions? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

Sneak Peek at New Stickers

Screenshot 2014-05-27 13.41.24
Click for larger image

I’m making new Validation stickers for Phoenix Comicon next week (omigod it’s next week. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.)

Christian and I are doing a special before the con: You can now pre-order the Validation Comicon Special here. All pre-orders come with a copy of Christian’s comic Post-Apocalyptic Nick AND my mini-comic Mr. Dino & Friends, shown here:

2014-05-22 17.56.30

This is an awesome deal, especially if you can’t make it to Phoenix Comicon.

Speaking of books and the con, unfortunately I cannot get Johnson & Sir’s first book printed on time for Phoenix Comicon.


The plan now is to get Johnson & Sir printed AFTER the con, for the next set of conventions I attend the rest of the year.

There are some big changes happening after Phoenix Comicon. But I’ll talk about that in the next post…