New Ideas All At Once – The Genghis Con Mini Pop-Up Event

pictured is an artist alley table set up at a mini pop up event hosted by Genghis Con. This event happened at Superscript Comics and Games in Lakewood, OH.

This past Saturday, I showcased my work at the Genghis Con Mini Pop Up Event. Being surrounded by comics readers and fans…talking to other creators…it gave me so many ideas, all at once.

It just felt GOOD to be back in the comics scene at a live event.

But How Was the Show?

We got a bigger turnout than expected! I sold out of a handful of small things, like stickers. And The Case of the Wendigo was the most popular book on my table!

I want to give a quick shout-out to my friend Deci Belfry. They designed, printed, AND cut my new business cards. Plus they printed and cut new Mr. Dino postcards for the table! (This reminds me: I’ll be sending a portion of proceeds to Margie’s Hope. They’re a local nonprofit serving the trans and nonbinary community).

New Mr. Dino Postcards! A portion of sales of these will go towards Margie's Hope in Lakewood, OH. On the postcard is a dinosaur holding a transgender pride flag.
New Mr. Dino Postcards! A portion of sales of these will go towards Margie’s Hope in Lakewood, OH
Here's one of the business cards that Deci Belfry designed for me! Pictured is a stylized velociraptor jumping on a business card, with the text "You. Are. Awesome." Below that text is IG: @mrdinoandfriends as well as
Here’s one of the business cards that Deci Belfry designed for me!

What Kind of Ideas Did I Get?


I’ve mentioned on Instagram that I have a personal project, called the Character Compendium. I’ve decided that the first batch of compendiums will be zines. They’ll be easier to assemble, print, and share that way (instead of making one large book. The book was the original idea, but zines are faster).

Speaking of zines, I need to give a shout-out to Matt, aka haberfish on Instagram. His perzine inspired me with the idea of a Mr. Dino “anthology” zine. He also makes delightful cartoons, and you should follow his work.

Not only am I thinking of a Mr. Dino perzine…but Matt and Deci gave me another idea…

My personal project, Kitties By Kelci? What if there’s a comic strip with those witch kitties? I will say: if I move forward on a Kitties By Kelci comic strip, they’ll post once a week on my email newsletter. That’s how I first published Thoughtful Dinosaur and Charlie & Clow: The Bonus Arc. I think it’s high-time that another email comic strip happens. Don’t you?

Cool! But Don’t I Have a Lot Going On?

Honestly? Yeah. That’s why I’m going to make some of these new ideas small projects, like zines. (Actually, this ties in nicely to one of my 2021 goals: make more minicomics). Small projects are easier and faster to finish.

When it comes to making and finishing things, I just need to remember: One Thing At A Time. It’s been my mantra for a while now, and I find it helpful in times like this.

That’s all I have for now. Be sure to stay up-to-date by hopping on my email newsletter, where I talk about current and upcoming projects. Like new books.

And be sure to check out Deci and Matt online! I also want to give a shout-out to a few other artists from the pop-up event: Caleb from Village Comics (he has a KickStarter next month!). Lindsey J Bryan. And Quill. (I know I’m forgetting other cool peeps, so tag yourself in the comments).

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Why I Make Multiple Comics at Once

johnson and sir and seeing him comics pages on drafting table
Some Johnson & Sir projects and Seeing Him pages. No big deal.

I was chatting with some peeps on Twitter about personal projects, and they asked me, “What’s your personal project?”

And I said, “I don’t have just one. I have several in various stages of completion.”

When I thought about it, it made sense to me, but it may make some people go, “Jeez, why do you work so hard on so much stuff ON TOP OF a day job?” Continue reading “Why I Make Multiple Comics at Once”

Work is Pwning Me, But Here’s Some Art

The last week and a half have been nothing but work – I got a new day job, so I have TWO day jobs until about September 6th. Plus there’s freelance work to take care of on top of that.

I managed to take Sunday off because I was celebrating my birthday! Technically my birthday was Monday, but I had to work that day. So the celebrations and trips were the day before.

Plus, just to add the panic cherry on top of the Work Stress Coffee Cake, an element of my website broke last week! A plugin I was using to display my images broke on my end of the website, so I had to uninstall the friggin’ thing and get a new thing in. It works, but the glitch took more time away from the art than I liked.

Thankfully it’s fixed now.

But that broken plugin? That’s why I wasn’t able to post a new update on the blog last week.

Anyway, I managed to scrape together some personal projects I started BEFORE the work tornado struck. Here’s a peek at them: Continue reading “Work is Pwning Me, But Here’s Some Art”