I think the last time I ran a one-week-long KickStarter campaign, I ran one for funding Validation’s Final Push. Before that, I did a one-week campaign for Validation’s buttons. I kept those short because the asking goals were kept small. And that’s why I’m doing another one-week-long campaign.
If you missed my previous blog post, here’s the TL;DR: I want to get a new print in the world.
There are two things I’m doing WILDLY different this time.
- I’m offering only two main rewards for backers. But…
- I’m offering a variety of add-ons so backers can customize their orders!
I’m keeping the asking goal small because I don’t need much to make this happen. Just what I need to make back the cost of supplies. All the rewards for this campaign are things I have available right now. That, or they’re things I can make at home. So fulfillment will be really easy!
This KickStarter campaign SHOULD be ready to launch by Wednesday, Nov. 10.
The campaign is still being reviewed. As soon as it’s ready, I’m announcing the launch to my email newsletter peeps first.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you for reading!
You. Are. Awesome.