Here’s the truth – while making comics does pay the bills, I’m still living with my mom. This is partially because the oil and gas companies who have moved into the area have also imported pipeline workers from out-of-state, which means most rent-worthy spaces are gone, and what’s left over means rent prices have SKYROCKETED. So lack of places for rent, plus the places for rent being ungodly expensive ($500 a month for a room with no private bathroom is a pretty common listing around here), means living with mom because it’s more affordable.
It’s been ok, as far as living arrangements go. Mom works a full-time job outside of the house, which means I can work in my studio uninterrupted (for the most part. Her boyfriend also works from home but has his own office space set up). In fact, the only times we really see each other are at night.
This spring, that arrangement is actually going to change. Continue reading “An Unusual Summer Agreement”