There’s a feature on this site of mine that I like, that I unfortunately had to take down temporarily.
The feature announced my availabilty to do commissions, and linked to my prices.
I’m temporarily taking it down for a few reasons.
First, I’m swamped with work! Between two part-time jobs on top of making and reviewing comics, I have a lot on my plate. I need to finish a few things first before I take on any new commissions from anyone.
Second, once I AM available for them again, there is a sale I plan on having for my commissions. There are a few sales ideas floating around in my mind, and by the time I’m available for commissions again, I can safely announce them.
Third, I’m also making other things to sell through my Storenvy store.
There are a few things already done and good to go. Including FOUR new mini-comics: Duck for Dinner, Paintings at Night, Ladies with Mohawks, and Mr. Dino and Friends! I will also be getting new Johnson & Sir prints listed soon.
Fourth, I’m coordinating with the printer to finally get the first book of Johnson and Sir printed! The book is currently on pre-order (I’ll put the link at the bottom of the post) so you can reserve a copy.
The goal is to have print books ready and available by February 13th. But I’m having issues contacting the printer. I’m gonna blame the blizzards that have been blowing in recently.
So, yes, I have a lot going on. But these are good problems to have.
Thank you for your support in everything I do! Readers like you are the reason I’m able to make comics and write about them. Seriously. You’re the best.
I’ll see you tomorrow with a new post.
P.S. Here’s the button to click to pre-order your very own copy of Johnson & Sir (which is $10 and covers shipping and handling).