Inktober 2021, Days 11 to 17

There was a hiccup in this year’s Inktober, between days 11 and 17. I had to be offline for a few days due to a death in the family.

It’s been hard. I’m taking things one step at a time, and taking breaks to be gentle with myself. But drawing has been helping me move forward.

With that all said, let’s continue the adventure of Malaminx and Beatrice…

It’s quite a puzzler, ladies!

(By the way, for folks who backed The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 on KickStarter… there’s been a snafu. Please check the updates for more info.)

That’s all I have for now. Thank you for checking in.

You. Are. Awesome.

Inktober 2021, Days 4 through 10

Inktober is an artist challenge to draw in ink daily in October. This year, I’m drawing a panel a day for a new story. Be sure to read the first 3 days here. And now, Days 4 through 10…

Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 5
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panels 6 and 7
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 8
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 9
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 10
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 11
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 12
Inktober 2021 comics by kelci d crawford panel 13 and 14

I’m having SO MUCH FUN drawing this story! I hope you like it.

Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

Inktober IS Happening This Year!

Remember how I said I wouldn’t do Inktober in this previous check-in post? Well, Inktober IS happening!

I got inspired by vigoburrito and their webcomic, The Divine Intervention. They drew that comic one panel at a time and posted it on Instagram.

So I thought, “What if I drew a comic one panel at a time for Inktober?”

Here’s what’s been drawn as of yesterday, October 3rd:

inktober 2021 panel 1
inktober 2021 panel 2
inktober 2021 panel 3
inktober 2021 panel 4

Yup! I’m drawing witch kitties – like from Kitties By Kelci on RedBubble.

What will happen next? Be sure to tune in on my Instagram! I’ll also post once a week here on the blog with updates.

Because of Inktober (and other work), I’ll be updating this blog less frequently. Just once a week for now. But know that other projects (like KickStarter fulfillment and commissions) are coming along.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

The Water Mage

the water mage, a woman hovering in the air, containing wild water energy in her hands. The water cascades around her body. She wears an eyepatch, gauntlets, and fish-scale skirts with leather strap boots.

The Water Mage had been the first in the series of mages I drew. I believe this is a 2016 or 2017 piece, but it’s been a long time since I checked.

I drew her with Copic markers and fine line pens on Strathmore sketch paper and made her into 4 x 6-inch mini-prints. She ( and a few other mages) were part of a series, which I printed for conventions. She and the others are now out of print. But who knows? I may put her in an art book later.

For now, she’s available as a hi-resolution download! But only for Ko-Fi supporters and Patreon patrons. I’ve been posting hi-res downloads for supporters, and I plan on keeping that up.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.