LIVE STREAM – Drawing Pirate Comics

Today at 6 pm EST, feel free to lurk while I work in this live stream on pirate comics – aka, The Legend of Jamie Roberts!

I’m coming back to streaming on a regular schedule. So moving forward, expect YouTube live streams to happen on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 pm EST. If there are any changes to the schedule, I’ll let you know via email newsletter and YouTube community posts.

Today, I’m drawing pages for my webcomic, The Legend of Jamie Roberts. You can read the webcomic for free on its official site. (Watch out, it’s coming to Webtoons soon – hopefully before the end of the week! Fingers crossed.)

Speaking of The Legend – I have an exciting update for backers of The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2 on Crowdfundr… I got the proof from the printer! I sent the corrections back to them. As of today, I got the digital proof back and all the fixes are in! The printer will now be running the presses!

For all other crowdfunding updates – including for Mr. Dino Pride Keychains – head to the Fantasyville Productions website.

And if you need more streams, be sure to check out my archive on this site. Or if you need more free-to-read comics, there’s my Comics list.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading and watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Fantasyville Productions Has An Official Website!

fantasyville productions header

Today, I’m introducing Fantasyville Productions’ official website!

Fantasyville Productions is the official name of my business. It’s the name I use when publishing books, releasing prints, and launching KickStarter and Crowdfundr campaigns. Fantasyville focuses primarily on fantasy-themed stories, many with queer characters and/or creators who are LGBTQ+.

The name Fantasyville comes from my first webcomic ever, Johnson & Sir, which took place in the titular town! I named my business endeavor “Productions” to encompass more than just comics.

With this business, I hope to release comics, tabletop games (like Dragon’s Roost and Toe Beans & Broomsticks), pins, keychains (like Be Not Apurred, which recently got successfully funded on KickStarter), and even books by other authors, like Danse Macabre and Other Works by Sean McGavin!

Tune in on the Fantasyville official website for KickStarter news and project updates, as well as appearance and product announcements. Not just from me, but from other creators, as well!

If you would like to see updates from me specifically, like works-in-progress or personal updates, I’ll be posting more on this site and on YouTube. This is especially true since social media is…kind of on fire right now.

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

February Pin Club Is Open for New Members

My Pin Club is open for new members once again!

Each month, members of the Pin Club get a new acrylic pin in the mail, plus a new zine, sneak peeks at comic scripts, and early webcomic updates.

This month, we’re celebrating Fantasyville Productions, LLC being around for 5 years! I filed the paperwork for starting this company in 2018. I can’t believe it’s been that long! Most indie businesses don’t last 5 years…and yet, Fantasyville Productions beat the odds.

To celebrate, we’re unveiling this design. It’s Fantasyville Productions’ new official logo – and it’s this month’s Pin!

If you would like to get this, sign up for the Club by Feb 6! Any new sign-ups after that date will be rolled over into March.

Keep in mind – Pin Club memberships are for folks in the USA only. Sorry, my international peeps. I’m working on an option for you.

So if you have the means, join the Pin Club today, yo.

If you’re broke, or unable to join right now, share this post and celebrate Fantasyville Productions’ 5-year anniversary with me!

That’s all for now. I appreciate your support!

You. Are. Awesome.

Is Fantasyville Productions Getting Its Own Site?

In short – YES. Fantasyville Productions will be getting its own website.


Fantasyville Productions, LLC is the company I run that publishes books, art, and merch (including print-on-demand work). There’s plans to expand into other media, as well, such as board games, podcasts, and videos.


The site will be at Everything connected to Fantasyville Productions will be housed there.


I hope to get the website up AT LEAST after the KickStarter for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 1. (By the way, the campaign is STILL going! Go back it before March 27 if you can).


I tangled with this question for a looooong while. I originally wanted to use a totally new kind of site layout, but in the end, I opted to use WordPress. (The same software this site runs on). I’m familiar with WordPress and know how to use it and tweak it to my ends.


Don’t you think it would be nice to have one central hub for all the things that Fantasyville Productions does? I think so! And there’s SO much that Fantasyville is doing right now:

There are so many future plans for Fantasyville Productions, but all of these really need one home. That way, folks can find what they’re looking for.

The email newsletter I run already has the Fantasyville Productions brand to it, so that is not changing. But there may be other social media outlets coming soon.

But first, the website has to be made.


Well, I have to keep my portfolio SOMEWHERE, don’t I? I also have some other ideas for what to do with, but I’ll talk about them later.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

A New Horror Story Collection?

monster madness horror sketch art, showing an eyeless, hunched-over, horned monster with a large grin laughing and pointing.

You read right – Fantasyville Productions (the company I run) is working on a new horror short story collection.

My good friend Sean McGavin wrote these stories last year, and I said to him, “Holy banana pants! These stories are good! Let’s get these printed!”

Couple things:

  1. I had never printed a book of prose before. And it turns out – the self-publishing world of prose? VERY different from comics. Because,
  2. It’s tricky to find printers for these kinds of books who are NOT Amazon. And
  3. It’s expensive to hire an editor.

I’m handling the book cover design because I designed all the covers for my books. It’s one of the skills I’m really good at, to be honest.

For an editor, I hired Melanie D., a friend of mine from college who’s very good at what she does. Shout-out to my readers who backed The Case of the Wendigo on KickStarter. They voted to have the leftover funds from that campaign go towards paying Melanie to edit this anthology. (And also go towards two different charities. More info about that can be found in this KickStarter post).

Where will this book be printed? Well, I’m going for Lulu. Unless you have a different recommendation. But when I did my research, Lulu had what I was looking for. (And I’ll go into THAT in a different post).

When will this book be available? Stay tuned on my email newsletter for updates.

Sorry to cut it short, but that’s really all I have for now. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.