Ollie (short for Olive) is a half-orc druid I’m currently playing in my D&D 5E group.
And BOY is she a lot of fun to play as.
(Everything she says in the sketches above are things I’ve said in character as her. Like I said, she’s fun).
The thing about Ollie is: she’s wise…but she’s not smart. Her wisdom HAS to be high to be effective as a druid, and it IS high. Currently her wisdom score is at a 16.
Her intelligence is 8.
For the uninitiated, if your skill score is below 10, that means that when you roll a dice to determine how successful you are, you have to subtract a number from what you rolled. If your skill score is ABOVE 10, you add a number to what you rolled.
So any intelligence-based check Ollie makes, I have to subtract 1 from what I roll. Any wisdom-based checks I make, I get to add 3 to what I roll.
This not only makes the mechanics of the game more interesting… this also means more fun in my roleplay.
Imagine this scenario: you’re in the woods, and you see a pack of wild dogs running off a cliff. Only, there’s something magical happening: the dogs are floating down, their paws still kicking in the air, and then they touch the ground below, unharmed.
What does Ollie do?
She runs to the top of the cliff and runs off the edge to see if this is an area-of-effect spell.
(I learned the hard way: no. It is NOT an area spell. The dogs were just magical).
But this is the kind of personality Ollie is: she learns from experience, not from books. In fact, if anything, classes put her to sleep.
She is also charismatic as heck. Her Charisma score is at a 16. So that means she’s REALLY good at making friends with people. Her typical greeting anytime she enters a room is, “MY DUDE!”
She calls bullshit when she sees it (hence the “passive aggressive” quote above). And she’s handy to have around to diffuse a tense situation.
More often than not, though, if something gets too tense, and she thinks people are going to make a fatal, terrible decision, she will physically pick them up and carry them out of the room.
(Hey, she’s still a half-orc. Half-orcs are strong, yo).
I hope you enjoyed Ollie as much as I enjoyed sharing her with you. I hope to draw more of her soon!
Thank you for reading.
You. Are. Awesome.