Painting the Two Sisters – An Archived Twitch Stream

This originally aired on my Twitch channel on August 27, 2022.

Unlike previous streams, I’m painting traditionally! This painting will appear at Comics Vs Art, an exhibition at Wild Goose Creative in Franklinton, OH (a suburb of Columbus). A print of this piece will also be on exhibit at the McConnell Art Center in Worthington, OH from Sept 15 to November 3rd, 2022.

My streaming schedule is changing. Starting October 2, I’m streaming on Saturdays on Twitch, and Sundays on YouTube. Both will be at 2 pm ET.

That’s all for now. Thank you for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Drawing Ramses II – Fighting Game Concept Art – An Archived Twitch Stream

This originally aired on my Twitch channel on August 23, 2022.

Don’t mind me, just drawing Ramses II for a conceptual fighting game. Maybe one day this game will be a reality! Until then, I’m drawing character art for it. You can also watch past streams here on the blog or on my YouTube channel.

I draw on my Twitch channel almost every Tuesday and Saturday at 2 pm EST. The exceptions are when I’m out of town for stuff (or I get sick).

That’s all for now. Thank you for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Drawing the Puppet Master – Fighting Game Concept Art – An Archived Twitch Stream

This originally aired on my Twitch channel on August 20, 2022.

I’m revisiting a personal project – drawing character concept art for a fighting game! This character is the Puppet Master archetype.

Want to see more character concept art? Want to see it drawn live? Head on over to my Twitch channel and follow me there! I stream Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2 pm EST (except during conventions or if I’m sick).

If you miss any of the streams, they get archived on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe – other video projects will drop between stream updates.

And be sure to subscribe to this blog. I post the character concept art I make on Twitch and post it here. Like with Charlie.


I’m at Small Press Expo this weekend! Sept 17 and 18 in Bethesda, MD. Find me at table D8, side B. Hope to see you there!

Can’t make it? But want some of my merch? Head over to the Dragon Baby Pride Keychain Crowdfundr! You have UNTIL SEPT 18 to back the campaign and get keychains, stickers, and art.

That’s all for now. Thank you for watching and reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Comics, Comics, and More Comics: An Art Stream

Today, Feb 22, at 2 pm EDT, feel free to lurk as I work on comics, comics, and (you guessed it) more comics!

One of these comics I’m drawing is The Legend of Jamie Roberts. You can read the story free on its own website. Check it out if you like genderqueer pirates, dragons, and kicking monster butt.

Be sure to check out my other webcomic, Puzzlespell. Read part 1 and part 2 on Ko-Fi for free. New pages get posted on my email newsletter every Friday.

That’s all for now. Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Character Concept Art Live Stream

Today at 2 pm EDT, we’re continuing the Fighting Game character design project. Feel free to tune in and lurk while you work.

This is part of a series of illustrations I’m doing for a personal project. In this personal project, I’m drawing a hypothetical character line-up for a fighting game. The twist? All the characters in the roster are people of color, particularly black figures. Be sure to watch the previous installments to see the progression.

Got questions? I’ll answer them LIVE! But to ask them, you gotta be watching on YouTube or Twitch.

Be sure to download The Legend of Azu-Mi for free on Ko-Fi (tips are optional).

Find more places I lurk online by going to my Linktree.

Read my webcomic, The Legend of Jamie Roberts.

To never miss any upcoming books or appearances, sign up for my email newsletter.

Thank you for watching.
You. Are. Awesome.