Fabulous ColossalCon is Fabulous!

So I went to ColossalCon, an anime con held in my (new) hometown of Sandusky, and it was fabulous! I was only there for Friday, which worked for me because that means today I can recoup from the awesome and do boring stuff like get groceries and prepare my costume for the Halloween in June Party held by my coworkers.

Anyway, ColossalCon!

I mainly went to see and meet new artists, and while I didn’t meet very many, the ones I met were really REALLY nice! Including the fabulous ladies:

Monique (kaiser-mony.deviantart.com)
Del (exileddelusion.deviantart.com)
Bunny (artistebeni.tumblr.com)
Mori (mori-art.tumblr.com)
And especially the ladies at Lesser Key Studios (ianuae.deviantart.com).

If you don’t know about them, you should check them out! Their art is amazing. :D

I also managed to snag some photos of cosplayers, though over half of the photos didn’t turn out well because I have a crappy camera. I’ll instead show the ones that turned out well that I liked.

I’m not quite sure who the lady in purple is, though.

That’s Ventus, not Roxas, and Aqua, lookin’ sharp!

Digimon and Pokemon coexisting as one? What is this madness?
Sarah, an old friend from Cedar Point, is the one covered in Pokemon plushies. 

I’m SO glad I found these two! They’re my two favorite characters ever!
I also found a Goku, but his photo didn’t turn out well.

Disney ladies REPRESENT.

I love going to cons because it gives me a chance to get all fangirlly and not feel weird about it. I mean, I’m fangirlly anyway, because being a fangirl is a full-time job, but I don’t really get the chance to dance for joy due to an overdose of awesomeness.

That’s all for now, but Don’t Forget to Be Awesome!

Digital Sketch Challenge Reprisal?

SURPRISE! An update NOT on Saturday!

And I bring forth a sketch of a tiger and an idea:

Last year, I had done a challenge on myself called “The Digital Sketch Challenge.” This challenge had me drawing one new image a day with computer drawing programs like MyPaint or photoshop. The goal was to make an image that not only looked good, but took half an hour or less, and to share the results with the world. Unfortunately, the challenge was cancelled when my computer went bust and the motherboard fried.

Now that I have a new computer (that’s much faster, to boot) and some free time now that I’m graduated from college, I’m thinking of reprising the challenge.

This would last 30 days, and all the updates for the challenge would be posted here on the blog, on my deviantART page, and on the tumblr.

HOWEVER, I’m making a bonus to this challenge: if you would like to suggest things for me to draw, whether you are on Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantART, or this blog, please leave suggestions! I am open to any and all you may have. The only rules for suggestions are:

1) It must be drawn in half an hour or less, and
2) it cannot be pornographic or bloodily violent.

Fanart, original character art, surreal psychobabble etc. is all welcome!

I hope you’re as excited for this as I am. :D

Status Report!

So what’s going on in the world of Kelci’s comics? A lot.

Firstly, I redesigned my little blog, and it looks totally different from what I had before! Let me know what you think of it in the comments below. Do you like this set up better? What do you like (or not like) about it?

Secondly, I got myself a tumblr account to post WIPs and other little sketches, and share some other artists’ work that should inspire you. I look at everything from animation to comics to illustrations and fine artsy movements. You can find the tumblr at kelcicrawford.tumblr.com. I hope you check it out!

Thirdly, I’m in the process of making a new mini comic! Literally. It’s 8 pages all made on one side of a sheet of copy paper. Why am I making this? Well…

Fourthly, there’s a convention going on in my new native town of Sandusky called Colossalcon! I’m hoping to go there and network with some artsy people, and to that end I’m making my mini comic and making copies to hand out in lieu of a business card (because I’m not too big a fan of business cards).

Fifthly, I figured out my technology! Both my tablet AND my scanner work just fine now! So now I can post new work like CRAZY. You’ll see more of it here on the blog, on the tumblr, and on the deviantart.

Man, I’m all over the place on the interwebz!

Sixthly, speaking of posting art like crazy, I now have a new section of my blog specifically to show off illustrations! Go check it out, for I have posted a special illustration just for you.

Seventhly, I would like to experiment with a new idea for the blog. You may see a surprise post on a day that is NOT Saturday, so stay tuned. :3

More shall be coming soon! Expect more comics, more art, more illustration-y things, and more EPICNESS.

Thanks for tuning in, and Don’t Forget to Be Awesome!

Then Technology Reared Its Ugly Head…

Good evening, readers, it’s another Saturday.

A couple of things: Thing 1) some updates about why technology is biting me in the ass, and 2) an update on blog-related things.

So Thing 1 first. Technology has proven to not like me, because my tablet doesn’t seem to like my (new) laptop too well, and my scanner/printer combo machine can’t connect to the laptop, either. So if you see any art updates, keep in mind that they may be a little old because I managed to scan them in before I left my alma mater’s print lab and its wonderful scanner.

This stinks, too, because one of my goals for this summer was to share more of my art to my fave peeps online. Now I can’t really do that.

Thing 2 concerns the blog. I’m going to change the look.

I’m doing this largely because I want to make a consistent image of myself across my blog, deviantART, Twitter, and Tumblr pages (I’m still debating if I want a Facebook page of my art). Any major overhauls of the blog will be taking place, more than likely, over this upcoming Sunday and Monday, my two days off. More time will more likely be needed, though. Please be patient as I work on this!

Hopefully, things keep going well for all of you!

And as always, Don’t Forget to Be Awesome!

EDIT: The scanner issue has been fixed! Proceed with the dance of joy at the thought of seeing more work on this blog and everywhere else! WOO!

Prequel to "Catalyst"

Thank you all for waiting so patiently while I settled into my current life after graduating a few weeks ago! I’m back now, which means that this blog is back to updating on a regular schedule. You can now expect updates every Saturday.

Of course, you might also be wondering about the title of this blog post. A prequel, you wonder?

Yes, indeedy, this is a (scrapped) prequel to my graphic novel project Catalyst. I scrapped this prequel from the project because I decided to stick with the introduction in the original draft of the story.

Not that this 8-page mini is without merit. I’m still quite proud of the quality of this work.

I made this on 6 inch by 10 inch pages with Prismacolor cool grey markers, permanent marker (to get deep black), and technical pens.

Be sure to click the images to see them in large view.

Thanks for looking! If you like it, please share this with your friends. I love meeting new people who read my stuff. :D

As always, Don’t Forget To Be Awesome.