Last year I did a few convention appearances. I appeared at Phoenix Comicon, Free Comic Book Day at the Apache Junction Public Library, Intervention Con, and Youmacon (where I only attended and didn’t sell any work or appear at panels).
This year, since I have moved from Arizona to Ohio, I’m hoping to make more appearances at some Midwest conventions, particularly those in Columbus.
I’ve been approached by one convention, and there’s one I’m hoping to get to down in Savannah, Georgia, because a friend of mine (Chloe Rose, who’s attending school there) wants to go.
However, in between convention planning and making comics, I’ve been writing, particularly in Claire and Tracy’s story.
Well, a lot of the stories I’m writing recently (especially their’s in particular) take place in places I haven’t visited in a long while. Like Chicago. And Pittsburgh. And there are even some that may take place in New Mexico or Tennesee.
So I’m wondering…should I take some time away from conventions…so I can go on research trips?
Another friend of mine, Suzy, did a research trip in lieu of conventions, and that has inspired me to consider doing the same thing.
I have quite the travel bug, and I would love to do more of it so I can see new sights, meet new people, write about new things, and share more of my experiences.
Either way, whether I do more conventions or more research trips, I intend to write about them here on this blog.
Have any suggestions for places to go? Travel tips? just have something you gotta’ say? I would love to read about it in comments.
Thank you for reading and I will see you on Monday.