Pranesh Sketch (In Progress)

pranesh sketch from johnson and sir webcomic
(Colors will be added soon!)

Pranesh is a very quiet member of the Fantasyville Police Squad ran by Officer Struthers (also known as “Sir”). He actually didn’t speak very much until the Haiku Flu struck everyone at the police station.

Very little is actually known about Pranesh, other than that he has a sister named Sissy, and as revealed towards the end of the comic, he has tattoos. However, no one knows the story behind them. Continue reading “Pranesh Sketch (In Progress)”

New Novel In Progress

runemage and dragis work in progress sketch
Runemage and Dragis (Work In Progress)

A long while ago, I wrote a series of blog posts about projects that I had abandoned or put on the shelf. One of those projects was a story about an elf named Auxaton.

More recently, I had been swamped with work. One of the ways I cope with getting lots of work and getting overwhelmed is… writing new stories.

See, this is why I have, like, seven different scripts being written at once. Continue reading “New Novel In Progress”

Work is Pwning Me, But Here’s Some Art

The last week and a half have been nothing but work – I got a new day job, so I have TWO day jobs until about September 6th. Plus there’s freelance work to take care of on top of that.

I managed to take Sunday off because I was celebrating my birthday! Technically my birthday was Monday, but I had to work that day. So the celebrations and trips were the day before.

Plus, just to add the panic cherry on top of the Work Stress Coffee Cake, an element of my website broke last week! A plugin I was using to display my images broke on my end of the website, so I had to uninstall the friggin’ thing and get a new thing in. It works, but the glitch took more time away from the art than I liked.

Thankfully it’s fixed now.

But that broken plugin? That’s why I wasn’t able to post a new update on the blog last week.

Anyway, I managed to scrape together some personal projects I started BEFORE the work tornado struck. Here’s a peek at them: Continue reading “Work is Pwning Me, But Here’s Some Art”

Johnson & Sir: The Collected Comics

johnson and sir page 99

On August 4, 2015, my webcomic Johnson & Sir was finished at 100 pages. Two years went into the making of the story of these two silly elf cops, and I enjoyed every minute of it. What started out as an inside joke between myself and my sisters became an inside joke shared by myself and many, many readers.

While Johnson & Sir is finished…it’s not yet complete. Continue reading “Johnson & Sir: The Collected Comics”