Fighting Game Concept Art: The Final Round

Today, Feb 26 at 2 pm EDT, It’s the FINAL ROUND to draw these fighting game characters. These character designs are for a personal project of mine – a fighting game with a roster of black characters. Be sure to check out these previous streams to see the progress.

After today, all progress on the fighting game concept art will be kept to Ko-Fi backers. So if you would like to see how this personal project develops in the future, support me on Ko-Fi. Even a one-time tip helps.

Got questions? I’ll answer them LIVE!

Broke? I have comics you can read for free. Like The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Puzzlespell part 1 and part 2, and The Legend of Azu-Mi. If you like what you read, please share them far and wide!

That’s all for now. Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Comics, Comics, and More Comics: An Art Stream

Today, Feb 22, at 2 pm EDT, feel free to lurk as I work on comics, comics, and (you guessed it) more comics!

One of these comics I’m drawing is The Legend of Jamie Roberts. You can read the story free on its own website. Check it out if you like genderqueer pirates, dragons, and kicking monster butt.

Be sure to check out my other webcomic, Puzzlespell. Read part 1 and part 2 on Ko-Fi for free. New pages get posted on my email newsletter every Friday.

That’s all for now. Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Falling A Twee Bit Behind on Some Things…

here's a picture of an art piece in progress. The 11 inch by 17 inch paper has a monster depicted whose body is mostly made of leaves. Next to the canvas is a tin full of colored pencils.

I want to talk a bit about how to set goals to be…more realistic. Because I have fallen a twee bit behind on a few things.

First, I wanna’ talk about this piece, pictured at the top.

Right now, the title is (tentatively), “Cryptid of Leaves.” I started this piece all the way back in 2019. So…it’s been A WHILE. I worked on it, then set it aside, because those leaves ALONE took effort to draw. And then I thought, “Let’s color this with colored pencil! That’ll get the look I want to achieve!”

And past me thought I could have this done in a month. On top of everything else I have going on. Which…(insert laughter here).

I have only worked on this in my free time, when I have the urge to do it. So I’m shifting the goal for this piece: I want it finished by…the end of October.

Why so late? Because I still have KickStarter rewards to fulfill and other books to put together. Speaking of which…

Second, I want to talk about the PDF for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1.

For KickStarter backers, I had said, “Oh this should be delivered to you by the end of May!”

It’s June 1st now. The PDF still needs put together. Oops.

To be fair, May was a big transition month. I quit working at NeverEnding (long story), and shifted back to freelancing full-time. Still, getting my freelance sea-legs back can only explain so much. All I can ask is please, continue to be patient. The PDF should still get done by the end of June. I’ll go more in depth about the process in a KickStarter update tomorrow.

Third, The Legend of Jamie Roberts.

So…I’m out of buffer. The month of May had some unexpected events that prevented me from keeping up with my usual production schedule. That means right now, I’m making the next updates as the story is going. That’s not a place I like to be in.

Does this mean that The Legend will get a temporary hiatus? I don’t know. But I’m tempted to have a short, two-week break from regular updates just so I can build the buffer back.

…Maybe I’ll just do that. Expect a more solid decision tomorrow, with The Legend’s usual Wednesday update.

I’ll end this here before this post gets too long. Thank you for stopping in! And thank you for your support.

You. Are. Awesome.

Claire and Tracy – A Sketch

claire and tracy work in progress art sketch

Today’s Throwback Thursday features Claire and Tracy.

These two starred in a story called Traveler’s Road. Unfortunately, the project has been shelved, and probably indefinitely, by the looks of it.

Why? Well, no matter how many chapter I wrote for the thing, they never came out right. So, the project is shelved.

Still, some good art came from it. Like this piece.

And now this is available as a hi-res download on Patreon and Ko-Fi.

This will likely be the last hi-res download on Ko-Fi, because it will be for written works only moving forward.

Designing a Print for RathaCon, Step 2: Pencilling

After much discussion and user feedback via Instagram, the votes trended towards THIS design shown up top. So I drew it.

RathaCon is host to a LOT of nerdy events, from tabletop gaming rooms to belly dancers and Quidditch. I wanted this design to incorporate the many scenes that RathaCon has played host to.

I even squeezed in some gears for the steampunk elements, because there’s a steampunk contingent that appears every year. Magic: The Gathering cards and comic books will fill up some of the spaces around the edges. Plus the GhostBusters logo is to homage the local GhostBusting team.

There’s still some details to fit in, but so far it’s off to a great start. Don’t ya’ think?