I’m Taking a Year-End Vacation! Here’s the Schedule for the end of 2022

I’m taking a vacation for the last week of 2022! Because I deserve a break, dangit.

Since I’m going offline, there are some schedule changes. Here’s what you need to know…



  • Validation on Instagram will take a break from Dec 22 to Jan 2.
  • The email newsletter will post one last time on Dec 23. Then it’s closed until Jan 6, 2023.
  • This blog will take a break. Once this post is published, there will be no new posts until sometime in the first week of January 2023.
  • The Ko-Fi shop and Ko-Fi commissions are open UNTIL Dec 23. Then both will close. They will both re-open on January 2.

Comics are still being updated according to schedule:

By the way! I have one last in-person appearance this year.

Find me on Dec 24 at the Toledo Game Room in Toledo, OH. I’m there from 8:30 am to 5 pm as part of their Crazy Xmas Eve Sale. After that? I don’t have any appearances scheduled until March…for now. I won’t say “no” to any opportunities after New Year’s.

By the way, I won’t be responding to emails, either. You’ll get an auto-response but I won’t be in the inbox until January 2.

May your holidays be restful and festive. Take it easy, and I’ll see you in the new year.

Thank you all SO much for your support.

You. Are. Awesome.

On Vacation, BRB

Starting today, I will be on vacation. I’ll be back in the office August 12.

That means The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Indie Comics Hub, the email newsletter, KickStarter fulfillment, and email and Facebook page posts are ALL on hiatus.

These projects will come back online at various times. After August 12, keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for more updates.

Thank you for your understanding, and I will see you again soon!

I’m Back from New Mexico

I went on a small vacation to Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico to visit Christian Beranek, co-creator of Validation.

Newsletter subscribers got some cool stories about what we did during the vacation. So for you, dear reader, I’m going to share some of the sketches I made during the trip.

new mexico trip sketches

We saw the lava rock petroglyphs on the outskirts of Albuquerque, so I made lots of sketches of those.

new mexico petroglyphs sketches

Then, on our way to some restaurants in Santa Fe, we stopped through Madrid and Cerillos.

new mexico madrid sketches

And yes, that is a zebra on a roof with a guitar. Here’s a picture me drawing the thing in real life if you don’t believe me.

madrid new mexico photography by christian beranek
Photography by Christian Beranek

Christian took lots of pictures while we drove around, which turned out really nicely.

madrid new mexico dinosaur sign
Photography by Christian Beranek

By the end of the trip, I felt rested and rejuvenated! It was great to get out of Ohio and West Virginia for a change and see the enormous, expansive desert that I missed so much.

I may have moved out of Arizona two years ago, but the deserts will always make me feel more at ease.

…I’m already planning a return trip next year.

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Today is My Day Off

connections comic day off laying in bed with cat

There’s actually quite a few house-keeping things I want to take care of in this blog post.

First, I’m taking December off from making comics.

I’m doing this for a few different reasons.

  1. So I can make presents and finish up private commissions for folks.
  2. So I can get some writing done for next year.
  3. So I can spend more time with my family for the holidays.

Second, though I’m taking a break from making comics, all of them will still update regularly in December.

This is because I worked extra hard in October and November to make extra pages.

So don’t worry! Validation will still update Mondays and Thursdays, Johnson & Sir will still update on Tuesdays, and Charlie & Clow will still update on Wednesdays.

Third, I’ll still be promoting the “Seeing Him” KickStarter.

Speaking of which, we are down to 13 days left and we’re not near our goal! Please help by spreading the word and contributing if you can.

But yes, there will still be a lot of posts about Seeing Him, mostly because Kia and I are super eager to get this story out. While Validation is a cool webcomic about a trans girl, Kia and I don’t feel like there are enough webcomics about and starring trans men. We’re hoping that by making Seeing Him we can make a story to fill that gap.

Those are the major updates at the moment. There will probably also be tweaks made on this site, like updating Sketches.

Hopefully, too, there will be more, better blog posts here. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in comments below.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on Friday.

Vacation is Over, and Now…

Believe it or not, despite the daily blog updates, I was actually on a little vacation this past week.

My mom flew in to visit here in Arizona, so I was spending some quality time with my family, including some time at the San Diego Zoo:

2014-04-07 12.08.15
I saw my first panda! They’re smaller than I thought they would be.

There’s also been a lot of movie-watching. I recommend The Great Gatsby but NOT The Wolf of Wall Street. The former is what the latter wishes to be.

I also recommend The World’ End. It’s fascinating and hilarious, and the ending really got to me. It’s a movie that sticks to you, in a good way.

Today’s my last day of vacation. Tomorrow, I’m back to the drawing board!

And now that I’m not on RedBubble anymore, I can focus on making new art and comics for Storenvy, ValidationJohnson & Sir, and the Free Comic Book Day event at the library (date, time and location are on the sidebar of this blog).

I’ll do my best to update this blog everyday (hey, I’ve been doing pretty good so far). There will be sketches and works in progress for the projects this week, and I also want to do a series of posts about the making of my comics. Writing, layouts, sketching, inking, colors…

So keep checking back!

And for an inspirational photo of the day, behold a shade nook under a tree:

2014-04-09 13.45.57