I recently switched from using Chrome to using Brave, a web browser that blocks ads and trackers. And I discovered that Brave Rewards are a thing.
I switched from Chrome to Brave because I REALLY hate ads. And I really don’t like the idea of a web browser that tracks my usage and sells my data to outside parties. Brave, from what I understand, does neither of these things.
What Brave does instead is it tracks how many ads and trackers it has blocked, and converts that information into a unique digital currency.
(This, to me, makes sense, because Brave will, on occasion, have its own ads pop up. Those ads are 90% of the time about bitcoin and other digital currencies).
After that, you can spend that digital currency supporting creators that you love.
And THAT’S where my interest is. Because here’s the thing:
I’ve had patrons leave Patreon because they’ve taken issue with the platform. Which, I get it. But the patrons leaving the platforms means I need to find another side income to cover that loss.
Enter: Brave Rewards.
If you have Brave as your browser, you can check the Brave Rewards tab, and select your favorite creators that way. After that, ad revenue that you get goes to your favorite creators.
You can also set up tips to go to creators, but at the moment, I don’t have accounts on any of the platforms Brave is connected to tips with (Twitter, Reddit, and GitHub).
So if you have Brave as a browser, I hope you consider helping me out by setting me up as one of your favorite creators. It’s a passive way to help these comics grow.
(And for those of you who hate Patreon and Chrome, this is a good way to subvert both).
Of course, I’m not an expert in this, so there are details that I’m missing. If you know more than I do about how this works, for the love of bananas, leave a comment below.
Thank you for reading.
You. Are. Awesome.