Adam and Julianne at the Hockey Game

seeing him sketch adam and julianne at hockey game
Tone it down a bit there, Juli. Yeesh!

At a later point in chapter 1, on Adam and Kate’s second date, they both play a roller hockey game with their friends at the roller rink Kate manages. Unfortunately, Adam is terrible at roller hockey and Julianne got a penalty (“I’m ‘too aggressive,’ or whatever,” she says), so they both sit in the penalty box.

And then THIS happens.

I love ya, Julianne.

If you want to see more of their shenanigans, please pledge to Seeing Him, the Webcomic on KickStarter. And then tell your friends about it! Any bit of help is really appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. In yesterday’s blog post I said I would write about my DC trip this last weekend. Woops! I’ll remedy that tomorrow.

Adam and Greg Flex Muscles

seeing him adam and greg flex muscles
(click to enlarge)

Greg (on the left) and Adam (on the right) are best buddies. They met in their local bowling club and often go to the gym together.

Greg is a Spanish teacher who also runs an after-school sign language club and loves, loves, LOVES to bake and knit. While he almost always has “resting bastard face,” he’s actually a big sweetie.

Adam has tattoos on his arms that are usually covered by his scrubs, though he also has two scars on his chest from his mastectomy. Two tattoos cover them, saying “I am finally myself.”

Want to know more about their story? Check out my new KickStarter page for their webcomic, “Seeing Him.” And if you can, pledge support and spread the word!

Thanks for reading.

“Jamie Roberts Explores a Temple”

the legend of jamie roberts visual design temple environment sketch

This is a sketch I finished yesterday, to practice making stone textures in pen. I feel like I somewhat succeeded, but I still need to practice illustrating depth. For example: that sculpture of the goddess is supposed to be sitting in a recess in the wall. I don’t feel like I did a good enough job of showing how deep the recess is. It could be fixed with tones, though, probably.

Oh, let me explain what this sketch is showing:

Jamie Roberts, the figure in the foreground, is approaching the entrance to the abandoned temple/city of Kinyaht. Kinyaht is entirely underground except for the entrance, which is covered in sculptures of the Goddess.

In their mythology, the Goddess created the World, and when people and creatures die, they return to an otherworld called The Way. In this mythology, the easiest way to get to The Way is through caves and going underground, so some people got together and built Kinyaht, an underground temple.

By the time Jamie and her friends find this temple entrance, though, it’s revealed that no one has been in Kinyaht for over 500 years…

I’m looking forward to developing this environment further, and practicing more backgrounds, landscapes, and environments. It’s something I want to get better at.

Thank you for reading! I’ll see you tomorrow with a new post.

Malarkey Maddie

As I wrote before, for the month of January, I’m drawing one new superhero lady every day. Once the month is up, I’ll be compiling the sketches into an eBook.

Today I want to show you one of my favorite ones I’ve done so far.

Her name is Malarkey Maddie.

superhero lady sketch malarkey maddie original character by kelci crawford
Malarkey Maddie!

I loosely based her on a fan I met at Phoenix Comicon, who wore a shirt saying something like “Crush the Patriarchy!” My response was, “Down with the Patriarchy! Up with the Malarkey!”

Malarkey stayed floating around in my head for a while until this sketch series happened. Then I thought back on that fan and that phrase, and went, “What if a superhero lady incorporated that into their superhero name?”

And Malarkey Maddie became a superhero.

She may not fight against the Patriarchy, since it’s an abstract concept and not a person. So she has yet to get an arch nemesis.

She IS, however, super strong and has the ability to fly.

malarkey maddie superhero lady sketch by kelci crawford


She doesn’t have a story yet, but she’ll be mentioned in other stories I’m working on. Maybe she’s the favorite superhero of Charlie from Charlie & Clow? Or Tracy’s favorite comic book hero?

Who knows what the future will hold for Malarkey Maddie?

If you have any ideas, I would love to read them in comments.

Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you tomorrow.