Join me in this archived live stream as I draw character art for a new project. In this art stream, I’m drawing for The Character Compendium.
The Character Compendium is a new personal project of mine. It will compile as many character designs as I can fit into one book. With this book, I aim to simplify life for game masters and dungeon masters. Just open the book to any page, take a character, and BOOM! Instant NPC for the players to interact with.
Heck, any of these characters could also be a good jumping-off point for players to make their own characters.
This is a similar concept if you’re familiar with some of my previous Inktober sketchbooks, like Gods & Spirits or Witches. (Both books are available through my Ko-Fi shop, by the way.)
As this project grows, I want to add more content specific to role-playing games for each character. Specifically, I want to add basic stat blocks. All in due time, though!
I hope you enjoy this live stream. Thank you for watching and reading!
This is a replay of a livestream I did earlier today.
I livestream every Saturday from 1 pm to 3 pm EST on YouTube. Every Saturday I share what I’m drawing, pro tips on being a better artist, and slices of my life. What do I draw? Every week it’s a different theme. This week’s stream theme? Monsters! MONSTERS EVERYWHERE!
Also in this stream/replay? A GIVEAWAY.
If this replay gets 40 likes on YouTube between now and the next stream, NeverEnding, Inc will give away a FREE health potion vial to a lucky viewer!
Which is fitting, because these monsters are being drawn for NeverEnding, Inc.
This panel is from Validation (written by Christian Beranek, drawn by me)
I like games. Video games are cool, but right now, my love is for tabletop games.
If you want to understand why I love tabletop games, especially Dungeons & Dragons, so much, I highly recommend you watch this TedTalk about why D&D is good for you, and this Cosmonaut Variety Hour video about Dungeons & Dragons.
Of course I’ve played other tabletop games, too: Evil Baby Orphanage, King of New York, Settlers of Catan, We Didn’t Playtest This At All, Quelf, and Pathfinder are all games I’ve trod the table for. But Dungeons & Dragons is my big favorite right now, especially 5th edition. 5th edition is really the best beginner’s version of Dungeons & Dragons that’s out right now (aside from the Starter Pack).
With that said, I’ve been wanting to make a new game for quite a while now.
Not just a new D&D 5th edition campaign (I’m already in the process of brewing one). But a new tabletop game.
Christian Beranek and I have been throwing around the idea of finally making Tiny Unicorn, which is a game mentioned in our comic Validation. That’s great. I don’t mean to discredit that.
No, I mean, making a new game.
The idea I’ve had for a little while is something based on the world of Charlie & Clow and The Case of the Wendigo. In my mind’s eye it would run off a D20 system, partly because I’m most comfortable with that, and partially because…
Ok look, I know there are games based on existing comics, movies, TV shows, etc that generally favor the Fate System as a root to base the game on. But I’ve looked at the Fate System and I just don’t like it. It’s too complicated and nonsensical, especially when it comes to how characters in the game take damage. While there are aspects of the D20 system that can make a game easy to break (by overpowering characters, spamming certain spells, etc), I still find it preferable to the mess that is the Fate System.
So anyway, yes, I’m thinking of brewing a tabletop game based on the world of Charlie & Clow and The Case of the Wendigo with the d20 system as its base.
I’ll be updating here on the blog if I finally get the chance to start this thing.