Man, between all the blog posts, Validation comics, Johnson & Sir comics, freelance work, and the day job (yep, I got a day job) keeping me busy, do I have time for personal projects?
Yes. Yes I do!
Project 1 is very different from what I usually do. Project 1 is a large acrylic painting.
By “large,” I mean it’s larger than my usual scale. I’m used to working on, at most, 9 inch by 12 inch pieces of paper. This is 16 inches by 20 inches on canvas.
This is a painting that my mind demanded I make, because there are lighting techniques I want to try with this.
Project 2 is connected to Validation. It’s a portrait of one of my favorite characters ever…
This is a piece I’m doing in colored pencil, which I haven’t used in years. It’s a good refresher to brush up on my old skills. I’m also doing my best to use colors in ways I haven’t before. I’ll post more pictures as I work on it.
Project 3 is a comic I’m hoping to get out by October. I’ve mentioned it a few times previously here on the blog.
It’s Charlie & Clow.
The cover is done and I’m so happy with how it turned out! I need to make the next few pages and take care of a few other things. With any luck it should be online by Halloween.
The story is about a young punk lady named Charlie. When she’s walking home from classes one day, she discovers a monstrous golem, and it decides Charlie will be its next meal! Charlie runs for help only to find a tall goth man who calls himself Clow. Who is Clow? And will he help her fight off the golem menace?
Of course, there are other projects I have in the works, but they’re all either very personal or top secret surprises. So I won’t say any more.
Which project are you most excited to see? Do you have any personal projects in the works? Let me know in the comments!
Also, I’m skipping the Favorite Artist Friday feature this week because I’m still scouring the internet for new artists to add as my favorites. If you have any suggestions for artists I should look at, let me know in the comments!
Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you on Tuesday.