My Gumroad Shop Is Closing Soon

kelci crawford gumroad shop front
Click to be taken to my Gumroad Shop

As I’m writing this, I have three online storefronts – one on Storenvy, one on Gumroad, and one on Society6. Storenvy is where I list my convention swag, like books, prints, and minicomics. Gumroad is for digital downloads, and Society6 is for print-on-demand things like T-shirts. These are not including Patreon, a platform that lets folks pledge monthly in exchange for rewards.

I’ve been thinking, planning, plotting, scheming, and stroking my cats in my not-evil lair, thinking of ways to simplify things so I have only one storefront and a Patreon page.

Here’s what I’ve concluded – after watching how well the shops are doing, I’m going to transition more and more things over… to Storenvy.

This means my Gumroad shop is going to shut down soon – ish. Continue reading “My Gumroad Shop Is Closing Soon”

Introducing the MiniPrint

Available as a mini-print on Storenvy
Available as a mini-print on Storenvy.

I’m a fan of mini things, like minicomics. That’s why I make so many of them – they’re small, fun, and easy to make.

Turns out, miniprints are easy to make, too.

What’s a miniprint? Well it’s a print (like a poster), but small – like 5 inches by 7 inches, or even as small as 4 inches by 6 inches. They’re not postcards, but they’re the size of one. Continue reading “Introducing the MiniPrint”

Native American Woman Painting from Start to (Almost) Finish

A little while back I did a watercolor painting of a Native American Woman in a headdress (I’ll get into why I made this painting in a minute). I started with the sketching process, which is documented in this time-lapse video. Then I moved on to the washes…


I started with the background (always start with the background first). Then I waited for it to dry before moving on to the next color, the hair. Then I waited for THAT to dry before moving on to the next color… Continue reading “Native American Woman Painting from Start to (Almost) Finish”

Decluttering to Make More Art

Today’s episode is a time-lapse feature, showing the making of a new illustration (and a Thoughtful Dinosaur comic strip) while talking about how great it’s been to de-clutter and get rid of stuff.

Yes, I have been watching a lot of WheezyWaiter videos lately, and yes, the spring cleaning bug has bit me. I’ll tell you what, though, it’s been great so far!

By the way, this week only, if you donate any amount through the PayPal button here on the site, you’ll get a piece of art from me mailed out to you. This week only, though!

Thanks for watching.

You. Are. Awesome.