Secret Projects

I haven’t updated this blog for a while. Things have been hectic between getting ready for Phoenix Comicon, making books, and working on secret comics projects. Sorry for that. So…



That sketch also made an appearance on my Facebook page.

Back to secret comic projects, I wanted to share a little something from one of them. I can’t show you too much, but I can show you the rejected sketches.

PostChernobyl 002

Also, in preparing for Phoenix Comicon (oh my gosh it’s only three weeks away PANIC PANIC PANIC), I got new business cards from

2014-05-15 14.05.52

I love how they turned out! They’re also nice and sturdy, which is great because come convention weekend they’re going to be moving around a lot.

I have a few more book reviews up my sleeve to post here on the blog, and then I have a new story to share.

Thanks for reading!