The email newsletter is back, and I’m happy to introduce some new things to it!
I had put the newsletter on hiatus for a few weeks because of a fatal design flaw in MailChimp’s system. This design flaw deleted all of my subscribers, with no way of putting them back on the list.
So I deleted my MailChimp account, and started shopping around.
It took a little while to find a good substitute – for a hot minute I was afraid MailChimp had monopolized the free email client market.
But I found two services: Moosend and MailerLite.
I tried to make Moosend work, but it kept rejecting every email I tried to use. See, when you send emails, you need to specify who the sender is. And Moosend kept rejecting every. Dang. Email. That I wanted to use.
“This email is from a free client.” “This email is invalid.” Bleh bleh bleh.
So I didn’t want to dick around with them.
After a little more research, I found MailerLite.
And, for what I need it for, MailerLite has been working marvelously.
It’s a bit of a curve for me to get used to: it has different terminology and layouts than MailChimp. And I had been using MailChimp for like 3 years. So it’s still a process to unlearn MailChimp’s clunky-ass design and use MailerLite.
That said, now that I’m getting the hang of MailerLite, it’s smoother to handle than MailChimp. I also have zero fear of accidentally deleting all of my subscribers. And that’s worth everything right now.
Now that the email newsletter is back, I can bring in some new ideas: like exclusive offers for folks I meet at specific events, and even a Patreon-only newsletter.
That said, here’s the thing:
If you were on my email list before, odds are high that you got deleted. My back-up files were very limited. Not everyone was able to get back on.
If you would like to get email updates from me once a week, you can re-sign up at this link.
If you’d rather not, that’s ok too. There’s still Facebook, Instagram, Patreon, and this blog.
(But newsletter subscribers get the news first when I launch KickStarter campaigns. Plus I make announcements of my convention appearances on the newsletter.)
But whatever choice you make is the right one.
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!
You. Are. Awesome.