Time for Love Mart Prep

On Feb 8, 2024 at 6 pm EST, feel free to lurk while I work on prepping for Love Mart, a one-day event at Handmade Toledo!

Don’t forget about the Zine Club Pledge Drive still running on Kickstarter! You have until Feb 14 to join and get exclusive rewards.

To get free phone wallpapers and other goodies, join my email newsletter

I’m available for commissions!

If you want something for personal use, start on the public Commission board

🎨 Tools Used:

  • Streaming – StreamYard
  • Mic – Blue Snowball
  • Drawing – Clip Studio Paint


To get your name added to this list, join the Fan Club.

  • Eileen M.
  • magicalgirlkyra
  • All Unka
  • Raiden
  • Ella Q
  • Andrew Balch
  • Adam Vazquez
  • Maya Smith
  • Pat Jade
  • JessicaMcIntosh
  • RPZ
  • Bryce Bargar

And thank YOU for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Lurking and Working on LGBTQ Pirate Comics

Today at 6 pm EST, feel free to lurk while I work on The Legend of Jamie Roberts and other art for this LGBTQ pirate comic.

Don’t forget about the Zine Club Pledge Drive still running on Kickstarter! You have until Feb 14 to join and get exclusive rewards.

To get free phone wallpapers and other goodies, join my email newsletter

I’m available for commissions! If you want something for personal use, start on the public Commission board

🎨 Tools Used:

  • Streaming – StreamYard
  • Mic – Blue Snowball
  • Drawing – Clip Studio Paint


To get your name added to this list, join the Fan Club.

  • Eileen M.
  • magicalgirlkyra
  • All Unka
  • Raiden
  • Ella Q
  • Andrew Balch
  • Adam Vazquez
  • Maya Smith
  • Pat Jade
  • JessicaMcIntosh
  • RPZ
  • Bryce Bargar

And thank YOU for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Drawing Beefcakes 2: Electric Boobalo – Halsin from Baldur’s Gate 3

Today I’m drawing beefcakes – specifically, I’m revisiting Halsin from Baldur’s Gate 3. I tried drawing him in a previous livestream, but this time, I’ve got it!

I’m available for commissions! If you want something for personal use, start on the public Commission board

🎨 Tools Used:

  • Recording – OBS
  • Video Editing – Olive Video Editor
  • Mic – Blue Snowball
  • Drawing – Clip Studio Paint


To get your name added to this list, join the Fan Club.

  • Eileen M.
  • magicalgirlkyra
  • All Unka
  • Raiden
  • Ella Q
  • Andrew Balch
  • Adam Vazquez
  • Maya Smith
  • Pat Jade
  • JessicaMcIntosh
  • RPZ
  • Bryce Bargar

And thank YOU for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Orc Wizards and Patrons – A LiveStream

Now available as a replay! Watch me draw an orc wizard, talk up Patreon, and have a chat with surprise guest, Seeing Him co-creator Kia!

This episode does run for about 2 and a half hours. It ran extra long because a) I wanted to keep drawing, and b)…

There’s no livestream next week.

I’m getting ready to move to my new apartment June 1. So no livestream on May 30. Streams should resume on June 6. If that changes, I will make posts here and on social media to let you know.

Dragons: A Sketchbook Coming Soon

lady dragon watercolor marker sketch for inktober 2019

My newest book – Dragons: A Sketchbook – is coming to KickStarter soon. As in, in the next few days.

The trend of these sketchbooks started with Witches: A Sketchbook, which collected all of my Inktober sketches of witches from 2017. (Inktober is the artist challenge to draw with ink every day during October. Usually there’s an official prompt list. I ignore all of them.)

Last year, I followed this up with Gods & Spirits: A Sketchbook, collecting all of my Inktober sketches of gods and spirits.

This year for Inktober, I’ve been drawing dragons and nothing but dragons. And I’m loving it.

dragon fantasy art inktober 2019 sketch

And soon, they’ll be in a sketchbook.

In previous years, I ran a KickStarter campaign to fund book printings AFTER Inktober wrapped up.

This year, I wanted to start the pre-order ball rolling sooner, because November is going to be a bit of a schedule whack-a-mole for me.

So here’s the deal: email newsletter subscribers are the first to get the news of the Dragons: A Sketchbook KickStarter launch. If you are NOT an email subscriber yet, get on that ASAP. There will be early-bird backer rewards available, and the best way to get them is to be on the newsletter.

Then – I’ll be at New Dimension Comics this Saturday for Halloween ComicsFest. If you check out my table there and back the KickStarter campaign on the spot, you’ll get some goodies from me in person.

After that, I’ll be posting links to the KickStarter campaign on social media on Monday.

How long will the KickStarter campaign last? You’ll have to see the campaign when it launches to find out.

The initial asking goal will be to cover the basics to make this book project happen. Stretch goals after that include:

  • a KickStarter backer-exclusive miniprint
  • a baby dragon sticker sheet
  • an appearance at a large comicon (hopefully near you)!

In short…

Get on the email newsletter if you want to back this KickStarter ASAP and get your hands on an early copy of this book.

If you’re broke, though, don’t stress – just share the link to the campaign when it finally launches. Every share helps more than you know.

Thank you so much for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.