LIVE STREAM – FINAL HOURS for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2 on Crowdfundr!

Today’s live stream features the FINAL HOURS for my latest graphic novel, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2 on Crowdfundr!

So what happens after volume 1? Who’s the Basho twin Jamie’s been talking to? What will happen to the Chief? What’s going to happen to the orb? AND WHAT’S UP WITH THE DRAGON??

There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to get The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2 on Crowdfundr. New stretch goals have been unlocked, including exclusive stickers. PLUS, you can select rare and limited edition acrylic pins as part of your rewards!

In today’s stream, we’re fundraising for the final stretch before the campaign closes! All while drawing new material for the book.

And then, we’re also talking up the next Crowdfundr campaign launching Sept 1 (the next day) – Mr. Dino Pride Keychains and Stickers, yo.

What can I say? There have been some exciting things happening with Fantasyville Productions, aka my art business.

I hope you enjoy the live stream. Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

NOW LIVE – The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2

Now on Crowdfundr, it’s The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 2!

Jamie is not a boy or a girl – they’re a pirate! And they found this unfinished map with their friends, so they’re going treasure-hunting in an unexplored land. But along the way, Jamie and friends find magic, restless spirits, dragons, and a tyrant locked away for centuries, coming back to haunt the people across the land…

Volume 1 (which will be available as an add-on) collected Chapters 1 through 4 of The Legend of Jamie Roberts. What we’re asking for is funding for Volume 2, to get Chapters 5 through 8 in one shiny book – with bonus content!


The Legend is the story I wish I had as a genderqueer teenager, trying to figure out my gender identity and my place in the world. Jamie is the protagonist my teenage self WISHES they had.

At first, I made The Legend of Jamie Roberts to fulfill my teenage wishes. Wishes for validation, magic, dragons, and adventure. And along the way, readers found The Legend – and REALLY resonated with the story. Which is how we’ve made it to 8 chapters long! And there are plans for more. But first…


The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Volume 2 collects Chapters 5 through 8 of the webcomic, along with…

  • Remastered and retouched art
  • Bonus comics
  • Behind-the-scenes sketches and character bios

If you don’t have Volume 1 yet, that’s ok – Volume 1 is available as an add-on reward for this campaign! (You can also read the webcomic version for free, but the print edition has remastered art and bonus content not available on the website).

For Volume 2, we’re also working with a different printer – Comix Well Spring! They’re giving a partner’s discount for running this campaign on Crowdfundr, which means less printing cost, and a more affordable price for you, the backer!

So if you love pirates and dragons and magic and mayhem, what are you waiting for?!

Or share this update if you’re broke. Sharing is caring, and it helps more than you know. Be sure to do it BEFORE SEPT 1!

That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!

You. Are. Awesome.