Conventions and Travelling for 2015

selfie at youmacon with jayne hat
A selfie at Youmacon.

Last year I did a few convention appearances. I appeared at Phoenix Comicon, Free Comic Book Day at the Apache Junction Public Library, Intervention Con, and Youmacon (where I only attended and didn’t sell any work or appear at panels).

This year, since I have moved from Arizona to Ohio, I’m hoping to make more appearances at some Midwest conventions, particularly those in Columbus.

I’ve been approached by one convention, and there’s one I’m hoping to get to down in Savannah, Georgia, because a friend of mine (Chloe Rose, who’s attending school there) wants to go.

However, in between convention planning and making comics, I’ve been writing, particularly in Claire and Tracy’s story.

Well, a lot of the stories I’m writing recently (especially their’s in particular) take place in places I haven’t visited in a long while. Like Chicago. And Pittsburgh. And there are even some that may take place in New Mexico or Tennesee.

So I’m wondering…should I take some time away from conventions…so I can go on research trips?

Another friend of mine, Suzy, did a research trip in lieu of conventions, and that has inspired me to consider doing the same thing.

I have quite the travel bug, and I would love to do more of it so I can see new sights, meet new people, write about new things, and share more of my experiences.

Either way, whether I do more conventions or more research trips, I intend to write about them here on this blog.

Have any suggestions for places to go? Travel tips? just have something you gotta’ say? I would love to read about it in comments.

Thank you for reading and I will see you on Monday.

Tis the Season for Prints and Posters

My Calendar of Deadlines and Doom...with Art! (Click to enlarge).
My Calendar of Deadlines and Doom…with Art! (Click to enlarge).

When I’m not making comics, I work at my day job, at a craft store.

Something I have noticed is that there are a LOT of people who buy seasonal crap. Halloween wreaths, Christmas decorations that leave waves of glitter at my register, and even the odd Thanksgiving table topper, are all sold to people who think buying these things will get them in the “spirit of the season” (whatever that means).

In case you can’t tell, I’m not a fan of seasonal things.

But I have started doing something that somehow gets me in a festive mood without feeling like I’ve sold my soul to kitschy trinkets.

I hang up posters.

Art (left to right) by J Peffer, the Grand Canyon, Chloe Rose, and an artist on Tumblr (Sorry I can't remember your name!). Click to enlarge.
Art (left to right) by J Peffer, the Grand Canyon, Chloe Rose, and an artist on Tumblr (Sorry I can’t remember your name!). Click to enlarge.

I hang up prints, postcards, and posters I’ve gathered from conventions and traveling.

A small selection of my postcards. Click to enlarge.
A small selection of my postcards. On the left is art done by Joseph Lawn from deviantart. Click to enlarge.

But I have so many of them I can’t hang them all.

So I only put up the ones that I feel fit the season.

Since it’s fall, I put up a bunch of prints of people in costumes, and prints and postcards with warm colors and dead trees and other related subjects depicted.

Greed and Lust were drawn by Chloe Rose. I can't remember the other artists for the other pieces. Sorry! (Click to enlarge).
Greed and Lust were drawn by Chloe Rose. I can’t remember the other artists for the other pieces. Sorry! (Click to enlarge).

It’s unusual, but it’s something I’m comfortable with.

More prints and postcards! (Click to enlarge).
More prints and postcards! (Click to enlarge).

Plus, I get to surround myself with things made by artists I know or have otherwise met at cons! That is WAY more personal to me than a tabletopper you can get at the craft store.

But that’s just me.

Have you been feeling festive this season? Or do you hate this kind of stuff? And why? Let me know in comments below!

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on Friday.

Intervention Con in Ten Points or Less


intervention con hotel 2014

From August 22 to the 24, I was at Rockville, MD for Intervention Con!

It was my first time at this particular convention (and my first time in Maryland, really). It was a get-together to celebrate webcomics, gaming, and an awful lot of Doctor Who.

I could overload you with details about the convention, but I’m going to condense everything into ten points or less so I won’t overwhelm you.

1) If you ever find yourself going from Ohio to Maryland, do yourself a favor and take Interstate 79 to Interstate 68, then onto Interstate 270. That way you can avoid Pennsylvania’s ridiculous tolls.

2) Take a hoodie. The air conditioning in the artist alley this year was freezing. I’m grateful I brought mine.

3) When there are no con-goers coming in to spend money (as happened a lot at this particular convention), talk to the other artists and make some new friends. That’s how I met the folks behind Shadowbinders, Bartez, Capes N Babes, and Lost Gamers as well as lovely artists like Magical Tea Time, K.S. Brenowitz, Tico Illustrations, and Kelsey Wailes (OK, gratuitous name dropping is done for now).

4) The Hilton that the convention took place in had the strangest elevators. Here’s a few pictures of the lobby to give you some context.

2014-08-22 16.01.36 2014-08-22 18.34.05

So you see how there are elevators in the corners? Some of them run only from the third floor to the seventh. Some run from the first floor to the sixth. There are more elevators that will run from other strange floor combinations. You may have noticed there are eight floors in the hotel. Whoever decided these elevators were a good idea must have been H.P. Lovecraft himself.

5) I almost forgot! This was the table I set up with.

intervention con table 2014-08-23 12.04.12

I wasn’t listed as a guest because the billing was mostly given to Christian (the writer of Validation) and Tony DiGerolamo (from The Webcomic Factory). But I was the one with the prints and stickers for Validation, so along I went!

And now I have the books, which leads me to…

6) There are some extra copies of the Validation Comic Con Special! You can get them now on my online store. There’s only five copies left, and if you order them, they’ll be signed by Christian and me. Plus, you’ll get a bonus print for your wall from me!

validation comic con special book print

Speaking of prints…

7) I got some new books and art from some awesome folks this past weekend.

intervention con grabs comic books prints

I’ll be reading the books and reviewing them in a new blog segment called “Review Day Tuesday.” It’ll appear on (surprise!) Tuesday.

And the prints? Will be on the wall soon.

8) If you’re ever in Rockville, MD, please for the love of all raw fish go and eat at Rolls N Rice sushi bar. The gang I went with and I had lunch there throughout the weekend, and every time we went it was all delicious!

There were other places we went out to eat, as well, but I didn’t catch their names. There was a Mexican restaurant that had the most delicious roasted duck (with olives) I’ve ever had the pleasure to stuff my face with.

The convention itself also provided food for the special guests, which was pretty good if you could get it. The food went really fast though.

9) If you’re ever at this con, find alternative parking places besides the hotel. Hotel parking is $18 a night (yeesh!). There are alternatives out there.

And I almost didn’t add this, but what the hey.

10) Sunday was my birthday! So Intervention Con was the best birthday present ever!

I should add a bonus thing: because I met so many great artists this weekend, I’m bringing back a feature I started a while ago, but neglected.

I’m talking about Favorite Artist Friday!

So come back on Friday, when I talk about one of my new favorite artists. I’m not going to tell you who it is yet, though, because it’s a surprise.

I’m Moving Back to Ohio Soon

Montezuma's Castle
Montezuma’s Castle

I need to share this big news with you.

Right now, I’m in Arizona.

Let me say first that I love being here. I love being able to freelance and enjoy the weather and go to different attractions in the city. I love that everything I need is within driving distance of me. (I’m also a fan of living in a city that has a Trader Joe’s.) Phoenix has been very good to me. I have no complaints.

However, I’m moving back to Ohio soon.


The plan is to move at the start of July. If I can manage it sooner, cool, but if not, no big deal.

I’m not moving because of lack of work, although a lack of conventions does have a bit part.

There just aren’t that many comic or anime conventions that happen in Arizona. Phoenix Comicon is the largest one and is one of only a handful that happen in the entire state in a year.

So lack of conventions to attend is a part of it, but there’s a larger part.

The biggest reason I’m moving back to Ohio is…Marc the Boyfriend.

Right now he’s in the National Guard in West Virginia. He tried to transfer out, but the Guard base there won’t let him, and they haven’t let him move out of state for the past year.

I can’t explain why he is unable to leave because of security reasons. All I can say is he’s part of a team that’s understaffed at the moment, and they haven’t had any new recruits to replace him to let him transfer out to Arizona.

We both talked about it. As sad as he is that he can’t come out here to the desert, he supports my decision to move back.

If anything, I’m the one hesitant to move back.

I love Marc. I love my friends and family in Ohio. That’s not the issue.

The issue is, I’m not a fan of the town I would have to stay in.

After being in Phoenix for around 9 months now, I really, really, REALLY like city-living.

(I’m also not really looking forward to freezing cold and snow. Now that I have had 100 degrees baked into my system, I don’t know how I’ll handle ice anymore.)


If there’s anything to look forward to, it’s more conventions to attend.

The plan for next year is to get to SPACE, Animarathon, ColossalCon, and perhaps even Youmacon, plus maybe a few local shows around my area.

Me with old collaborator Michael Marcus from Hamtramk Idea Men.
Me with old collaborator Michael Marcus from Hamtramk Idea Men at SPACE Con 2013.

Turns out when you live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, you get bored, so you either host or go to conventions just to draw in other nerds so you’re not as lonely.

Thankfully my freelancing is portable, so moving won’t really affect my work.

And who knows? Maybe some friends of mine and I can get started on making Rubber Duck: The Reckoning into an actual indie movie.

Wouldn’t that be fun?

New Art Added, Library Visits, and Other Updates

Today’s post comes to you in THREE PARTS.


So I was going through the site and I realized I hadn’t put any new art up on here for a while. So I fixed that!

There is now new stuff in Illustrations, Sketches, and even a few updated links in Comics, including a link to an old preview I made of The Legend of Jamie Roberts.

You can also read the preview comic by clicking THIS PICTURE:



On Free Comic Book Day (May 3rd) this year, I will be speaking and showing off my work at the Apache Junction Public Library in Phoenix, AZ! It’s part of their celebration of Comic Book Day, so bring your family along! It’s an all-ages event featuring superheroes and local artists and lots and lots of books.

They asked me to make the flyer for this year, so start looking forward to some work-in-progress previews as I work on it.


The Legend of Jamie Roberts‘ script is almost finished. I was hoping to have it completely done two days ago, but no such luck. At least it’s 80% of the way there, so with much cracking of my fingers, I’m hoping to get it completely finished by April 14th.

With all of that said, The Legend of Jamie Roberts should be online by the end of June. I would launch at the beginning of June, but that’s Phoenix Comicon (another event I’m going to this year), so I’ll be doing convention-related work around that time.

Charlie & Clow is coming along pretty nicely, even though I need to change up the first few pages. It’ll be easy to tweak though.

There’s going to be a new story arc coming up in Johnson & Sir! And also, expect a new print sometime in the next month, inspired by this sketch:


You can also reblog the sketch on Tumblr if you want to show it off to your followers (which you totally should).

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

P.S. I’m going to dare the biggest dare on myself and update my blog every day for the month of April. And no, none of the above is an April Fool’s Joke. I already pulled a joke on Johnson & Sir today. I’m joked out.

P.P.S. Actually I won’t be able to update everyday because for a few days in April I’m going to be in San Diego. Psych!