Swarm Con Was Swarming With AWESOME

table at swarm con in savannah, ga
Chloe and I shared a table at the con.

Chloe and I were also extra prepared – we brought a large package of bottled waters, scissors, and tape, which are absolute must-haves if you intend on having a table at a convention.

It also helps if you have business cards, which I FORGOT the first day of the convention. Because I’m a derp.

However, I did meet a ton of cool people at the con, and I even snagged a TON of new comics to read. (Expect the return of Review Day Tuesday to cover all these awesome works!)

The first day, Saturday, was even busier than I expected, but that was because of 2 things:

  1. There was a thunderstorm outside, which led to,
  2. The Sidewalk Arts Festival being cancelled and making everyone who WOULD go to the festival, come inside for the con.

Since it was my first time in Georgia, I didn’t realize that thunderstorms in the area were as common as fleas on a dog. But hey, you live and you learn.

So because of the thunderstorm, Saturday was the busiest day. But Sunday still went well, too.

In fact, both days, I was busy making commissions for folks (which I wasn’t expecting. So…thank you!).

In fact, here are some pictures of the commissions I made for attendees, along with the attendees posing with their new works.

swarm con commissions and models SwarmCon_Commish_4 SwarmCon_Commish_9 SwarmCon_Commish_12 SwarmCon_Commish_8 SwarmCon_Commish_6 SwarmCon_Commish_14 SwarmCon_Commish_13

I missed a few pictures, like I forgot to take closer pictures of Brienne from Game of Thrones, Grandpa JoeStar from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (an anime I REALLY want to get back into because it has all the things I love in an anime, like muscles), and Figaro from Pinocchio (he was a sketch card commission).

Still, it was a lot of fun to be at this convention, and I hope I get to come back next year!

Thans for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

I’m Off to Swarm Con This Weekend!

validation 156 promo
From Validation #156.

I’m hitting the road again, this time for Savannah, Georgia.



I found out about this show from my friend Chloe, a grad student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She and I are going to be in the Artist Alley April 25th and 26th, showing off and selling our work. If you can make it, I would love to see you there!

In the meantime, there’s a lot of webcomics available for you, from Validation to Johnson & Sir to the first chapter of Charlie & Clow.

(Johnson & Sir are still looking for guest comics! More info is available here.)

And of course, the KickStarter for Seeing Him, the Webcomic is still going! So pledge, spread the word, and help us reach our stretch goals before May 4!

And if you want to help fund another campaign, Pink Dollar Comics (the soon-to-be publisher for Seeing Him) is raising funds to get to Flame Con. So if you can, pledge and spread the word for them too!

When I come back (on Tuesday), I’ll tell you all about my trip.

And, who knows? There may be a sale on my Storenvy soon after. ;)

Thanks for reading!