So due to circumstances outside of my control, I’ll be leaving my day job (or, if you prefer, my day job will leave me) by February 23rd. However, it’s looking like it may happen sooner than that, but I digress.
Now, I COULD get another day-job… But the day jobs around me that are available are full-time (leaving me no time for comics) OR part-time, minimum wage jobs. My losing my current day job is just a bit painful because it was part-time and paid higher than minimum wage, a rarity in today’s world.
However, considering how well my making comics was doing, to the point where the day job was getting IN THE WAY… I thought, “Screw it. Let’s make comics and art-making a full-time gig!”
It’s T-Rex vs. Shark in my new shirt! Click the image to get this for your very own.
Please forgive my absence on the blog. There were book printers to hassle with, fights in the family to resolve (thankfully all offline), and a funeral to attend last weekend. In short, life was a total pain in the ass.
When I told people at the convention where I was based, a lot of folks were like, “But that’s so far away from Youngstown!”
But after driving from Ohio to Georgia for Swarm Con, and driving from Ohio to Arizona to move – and driving back again – I can handle a two-hour ride, no problem.
The trip was totally worth it, too.
First commission of the day. Thanks, Nate!
The Youngstown Indie Comic Expo started out slow but steadily got more people coming during the afternoon. It was a one-day event (kind of like Animarathon based in my old college town of Bowling Green, OH… only Animarathon is for anime, and YO-ICE is for independent comics).
I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect out of the show, especially since this is the first year that it’s ever existed.
Honestly… it was a great show! I would 110 percent go back there again next year.
No much nerd talk was had with these two lovely ladies. (Especially Lord of the Rings)
It’s small but you get a chance to talk to everybody. This is totally different from my experience with Phoenix Comic-Con, which is huge and had a lot of people just walk past the table because there were already so many more exhibitors to check out.
The more cons I do, the more I discover that I really like local shows. The selection of artists is smaller, sure, but you get to know the people there, both the artists and the attendees walking around.
That, and the commissions I get to make for people are a lot more fun to do.
Chris Pratt Commission! What a bae.
Local shows are where it’s at! The atmosphere is more relaxed, the people are awesome…
And I don’t have to pay for a hotel room. Win-win.
So far this year, I’ve only had two local shows – RathaCon, and YO-ICE. But I would definitely do both again for next year!
I don’t have any other shows planned for the rest of the year. The exception is Youmacon, but I go there to attend, have fun, and hang out with friends. I don’t go there to sell stuff. The place is too big, and big cons have expensive table space.
However, I DO have to start planning for next year. If you want me to make an appearance at a convention or expo close to you, please drop a comment and let me know!
Here’s a close-up of one my my Women Warriors illustrations for sale on Storenvy.
As some project are wrapping up, I’m beginning the search for other freelancing work for art, illustration, and comics. Time to build up portfolios and pitch to people!
In the meantime, I AM available for commissions. My rates can be found here.
(My only rules are I do not draw gratuitous violence or graphic porn. Otherwise I’ll draw it. Any other questions, and you can email me.)
I also have new original art for sale on Storenvy, and digital goods on Gumroad, if you wanted something more.