My Post-College Life…So Far

It’s hard to believe that two years ago I graduated from college.

It’s harder to believe that I’m working in the industry I got a degree for.

For an art major, that’s what professional sociologists would call “A BIG EFFIN DEAL.”

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I’ll tell you now, though: it wasn’t a cakewalk to get to where I am today. And there are still things I struggle with – including feeling like an imposter who will be caught at any moment by those whom Neil Gaiman called “The Fraud Police.”

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However, I still want to write this post. It’s not just for myself. It’s for all of my friends who have just graduated college this year.

We see a LOT of things online about crippling student loan debt, lack of work, slow starts, and general all around hopelessness that defines us “millenials” (who came up with that word?) as much as annoying criticism and outdated optimism defines baby boomers.

I want to fight against that.

I would argue there’s still a lot to be hopeful for.

I graduated in 2012, and immediately went to my usual summer job of drawing caricatures at an amusement park. For a while I was ok, but thanks to a business slump, bad weather, and workplace drama, I quit my job and moved back home.

Then I jumped around part-time jobs, being a Subway employee, a lottery ticket seller, a cookie baker, a motel housekeeper, and a janitor at a coal plant.

All of these jobs occurred in a one-year span, and I had multiple part-time jobs at once. It was terrible.

I was one of those kids who, in high school, had one job for three years, and in college I had two jobs for four years.

So jumping around from job to job in one year made me feel extremely inadequate – like I wasn’t good enough to work one place for more than four months at a time.

Then, I met Marc.

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We met and started dating in February 2013. In our first week of dating, we had our first significant event as a couple – a car crash.

Afterward we still stayed together, but things were generally crappy. I felt terrible for being underemployed despite how much I tried to build my portfolio and get a job and move out.


I was on Tumblr one day when I saw a post from Christian Beranek, whom I had not met before then. It read something like:

I’m looking for an artist for a new project. It’s a slice of life webcomic – and it’s a paid gig.

And I really really really wanted to send a portfolio, but then this started happening:

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And that’s how I got this job that I’ve been doing for a little over a year now.

Of course there were challenges within that year: conventions, a broken wrist, and eventually moving to Arizona.

There are still times I struggle with making ends meet, and working on comics is not the only job I have had. I still freelance and I still work on other things besides comics.

But, with all of that said, I’m still technically employed in my dream career – making comics.

I am incredibly lucky and incredibly happy to be here.

Despite how difficult it can be sometimes, I do know this –

If I didn’t quit working in caricatures – a well-paying but ultimately awful job – and if I didn’t send my portfolio to Christian in spite of (or because of?) my fears, I would not be here.

It’s been hard. There are still the occasional nights where I wonder if I’m doing the right things – and I’m in my career field!

Then, rather recently actually, I came across a quote that went like this:

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There is no right or wrong choice. There are only choices.

In that way, your future is limitless and open no matter what your circumstances right now.

There are no wrong choices.

Another thing to remember: it took me about a year to get into my career field. Some people get into their field right out of college. Some don’t get into it for another year, two years, ten years, TWENTY years. Some decide to change course altogether and do something else with their life.

None of these paths are right or wrong. They’re just a reflection of the choices those people have made, due to their experience, circumstance, and/or luck.

That’s ok.

You’ll be ok.

I hope this helps you a little bit, recent grads (and maybe not-so-recent grads).

I also made a list a while back for recent college graduates. It’s what I wish people had told me for the first year of life outside of college. I hope you find that helpful, too.

Thanks for reading. You’re awesome.

Free Comic Book Day…Promo Poster



I have just spent the better part of half of the day making this flyer. I’m actually kind of proud of it!

I made this flyer for the Apache Junction Public Library, as I will be speaking and doing demonstrations of my comics-making process that day. May 3, Phoenix, AZ. You should be there (I would love it if you make it).

Now who all can you spot in the picture?

Abandoned Projects: Julia

This is the start of a recurring feature I’m going to call “Abandoned Projects.”

These projects are all stories I shelved for one reason or another: whether the reasons be it was too cliche, I didn’t have the artistic expertise, I got older and lost interest, it didn’t have an end in sight, or any other reason.

Why am I sharing them? Because

  1. I can, and
  2. I want to know if you’re interested in seeing these ideas actually become stories.

The first abandoned project I want to bring up is actually one of my oldest. I started scripting this back in high school and actually convinced the art teacher (somehow) that I should do this as an assignment for an actual grade. It was a project I legit wanted to make at the time, and I wanted to send it to Yen Press when they started doing annual talent searches.

It’s called Julia, and it was my retelling of The Little Mermaid.


Julia was the youngest of seven sisters, and it was a right of passage among them that they go to the surface and see the world above.

Some saw dogs, others saw ships, the second youngest found a way to climb an iceberg and wave to passing ships, causing one of them to wreck, that kind of thing.

Julia’s first sight above the water is fireworks firing off from a ship. It’s the prince’s birthday, and she goes to investigate. And she falls in love with him at first fight.

Unfortunately, one of the fireworks catches the mast on fire and the prince falls overboard. As Julia goes to save the prince, the fire spreads even worse, eventually catching more gunpowder and causing the ship to burst. The survivors all swim to shore, which is where Julia drops him off (careful to not get spotted herself).

When she goes back to her sisters to tell about what she saw, they get angry at her – they have a rule that states that they don’t get directly involved in the affairs of humans, and Julia violated that rule by saving the poor boy from drowning.

Eventually there’s a falling out with her sisters, she sells her voice to a sea witch (who’s design is based more on an eel than a fish), she gets legs, and she gets to shore.

Unfortunately, the Prince doesn’t know who she is, and she is hired as an entertainer to dance for him in the great hall. Eventually she befriends one of the servants in the castle and slowly starts to develop a crush on him.

Her sisters find her and try to convince her to abandon the prince and come back to the sea. She refuses, even as her feelings intensify for both the prince and the servant boy.

The question is, who does she choose?

Well, I knew how it would end (which is a good sign for a project), but I shelved the project for a few reasons.

The first is that at the time, I didn’t have the artistic skill to pull this off. To be frank, my art at the time SUCKED. Also, I wanted to illustrate this in watercolors, but when I did a test page in the style, it was muddy and gross. At the time I didn’t know how to get my hands on Photoshop, so it was the traditional route or not at all.

The second reason I left it was because it was WAY TOO CLICHE. It was reading like a Shoujo Beat manga (which aren’t bad, but that wasn’t what I really wanted with the work at the time). Besides, the whole, “Who does she chose? The elegant, handsome prince, or the lowly servant boy with a heart of gold?” thing had been done to death. The only way I was going to make it unique was in the dynamic between the sisters.

Which, now that I think about it, the dynamic between the sisters was one of the best parts of that story.

The third reason? I missed the deadline to have pages finished and submitted to the Yen Press Talent Search at the time.

The fourth reason? The work was too long for the talent search anyway.

I MIGHT pick this up again in the future. What do you think?

Boxers by Gene Luen Yang: A Review

Image courtesy of MTV-Geek News


Gene Luen Yang’s Boxers is a fantastic read.

This volume (which is paired with Saints) follows Little Bao, a dreamer of a boy who is eventually drawn into rebellion against foreign forces, who seek to bring Christianity to China (among other things). The events that follow are a retelling of the Boxer Rebellion, a significant historical event.

With subject matter like this, it can be pretty easy to be historical and dry, or have artwork that’s dark, sinister, or brutal. Yang’s work is none of that.

The art is vibrant and the colors are well-chosen: in the story, the commoners who join the Big Sword Society are possessed by the spirits of China. The spirits are colorful and vibrant while the peasants are in dull, muted colors. The character designs are delightfully simple but unique to each and every character. While the landscape of the story is simple, that’s fine – the focus is on the characters, as it should be. In stories about war, it’s important to know the people that fought in them, even if they’re not big names.

The pacing throughout is brilliant. There can be several pages to a slow and thoughtful scene, but when the action happens, everything is bold and fast. The design of the panels is simple enough that you can read the story easily and not get lost (which is important to note, because there are an awful lot of comic artists that try layouts to be artistic – Marvel’s SIEGE, I’m looking at you – and instead it becomes an artistic mess. Boxers is not that work).

Ok, so obviously the artwork is great, but what about the writing?

It. Shines.

The art is simple and classy to let the writing shine through.

This story is still posing deep and thoughtful questions in me three days after I’ve finished it. Questions like, What is worth fighting for? What would you sacrifice for the future? Love? Others’ lives? The concept of yourself as an individual? What is fundamentalism and how does it transform people?

If you haven’t read this yet, you should. Go get it on or at your local library (that’s where I got mine. I have no shame).

P.S. I have yet to read Saints, the companion book to Boxers. That review will be coming up soon!

Jamie Roberts, Vlogs, and Graphic Novels

Welcome to another week!

Last week there was Validation, Johnson & Sir, and The Women Warriors Project galore.

For the past two days I’ve been writing the script for The Legend of Jamie Roberts like a madwoman. The odds are high that I can finally have the whole script finished before the end of this month! And then I can start making the art, and it will be glorious.

I’ve also been mulling over the vlog. It’ll start back up again this week since I have some videos recorded already. It’ll be back to updating every Friday.

Sometimes this week, expect a review of Boxers by Gene Luen Yang. I finished reading this marvelous graphic novel yesterday and I’m polishing my thoughts about the work.

Speaking of reviews, I am open to reviewing graphic novels, comics, webcomics, or even novels! If you would like me to review your work or any particular piece of work, shoot me an email at

Expect more updates later this week!