‘Seeing Him’ Has a New Online Home

Seeing Him is the story of Kate, a small business owner, and Adam, a trans male doctor, who fall in love and have adventures with their outrageous friends. It was a webcomic funded on KickStarter, then funded on Patreon to keep it going, and updated from June 2015 to December 2015 on Pink Dollar Comics.

However, Pink Dollar Comics is now gone. Which also meant that Seeing Him briefly disappeared.

Now, I’m bringing it back online.

seeing him webcomic kate yay

Continue reading “‘Seeing Him’ Has a New Online Home”

These Updates Brought to You By Ukulele

(This video was recorded January 17, 2017)

All the relevant links I mentioned:


Validation‘s Patreon Page

The Case of the Wendigo

My Patreon Page (especially for The Case of the Wendigo)

Storenvy (to get my comics, minicomics, prints, miniprints, etc)

Thoughtful Dinosaur KickStarter Page

Sign up for my email newsletter to find out when I can do commissions for you

The Thomcast


My Review of Heart of Darkmeat

The next vlog update will be after Feb 23rd. Any comics-related news from me will be on this here blog.

Thank you for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

Bringing Review Day Tuesdays Back!

knights without armor book about masculinity
I will be reading this soon!

It’s been a while since I’ve done Review Day Tuesdays, my YouTube video series where I review new comics, books, and other works. I had put it on hiatus back in the tail end of June this year, because my schedule was getting too bananas to update it weekly.

Now I’m getting to a point where I can revive the series, but there will be one big change.

After I get done with a few more videos for the Poetry for Troubled Times series, I’ll be bringing back Review Day Tuesdays, to update every other week.


Not only have I been reading new comics lately, but I’ve also taken up the job of being head librarian at my local Universalist Unitarian Church. The library at the church has a lot of books dealing with LGBT issues, sociology, gender, and world religions, and that’s not even touching on the biography section or the multiple shelves of poetry.

One book in particular is one I want to discuss – the book pictured at the top of this post.

I’m looking forward to this one especially because of some reasons pointed out in this Hannah Wilton video about feminism and masculinity. The biggest reason is that while feminism has made great strides for women’s rights and roles, the roles of men haven’t been discussed much, and for feminism to be effective for everyone, that MUST be discussed.

Also! There’s one book I found in the library collection, called “Against the Tide.” It’s a book about men in the feminist movement. That book has a chapter talking about how the Equal Rights Act can benefit men as well as women, and I will actually read that chapter for YouTube at some point in the next few months, because it has portions in it that few people discuss even today.

I can’t wait to share these books with you, and the new comics I’ve come across, including Tank Girl’s newest run, “GOLD,” and “Once Our Land,” an 1830s post-apocalyptic comic that takes place in Germany.

Books, and the discussions of their ideas, are more important now than ever, and I hope you’ll join me when the series gets fully revived. I’ll announce a more specific date on my email newsletter.

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.