Updates for July 13, 2017

large chimes concept sketch

The above picture is a sketch from my 2015 sketchbook, developing a concept in The Legend of Jamie Roberts: the Chimes of Dogona at the Temple of A Thousand Souls. I’d like to redraw these chimes with some more detail, but as mentioned, this was a sketch just to get the initial idea.

The chimes are based on a real location in Casey, IL, which is a small town home to a lot of world’s largests: world’s largest wind chimes, knitting needles, golf tee, etc. I think the people are trying to set a world record for home to the most “world’s largest” objects.

…I should do sketches like this more often – broad, fast marker strokes are a thing I miss, especially considering how detailed my comics have become recently.

Speaking of which…


The reason I’m thinking of detail is because of my most recent update of The Case of the Wendigo. Sweet baby kittens on a motorbike it took FOREVER to do. Here’s a preview clip:the case of the wendigo preview imageMeanwhile, Validation has already updated twice this week. Once on Monday, and a second time today.


Making progress on ALL THE THINGS. Trading cards are now all finished, and now I’m working on commissions. Once they’re finished, I’ll share some of them in a blog post (if I get the ok from the commissioners, of course). The button printer is taking a while, but I don’t blame him – he’s printing 600 buttons for me.


I’m getting ready for Not At Con Day, happening July 22 at New Dimension Comics in Saint Clairsville, OH. Expect new 11 x 17 inch prints from me, as well as some new zines. I’ll be showing off a new table set-up, too! Which reminds me…


Expect a blog post about artist alley table layouts soon – I’ve been taking pictures at every show and tooling around with what works and what’s getting improved. So the blog post will share various layouts, what I’ve learned, and what changes can be implemented at future shows.

I’m also trying to get a Clip Studio Paint/Manga Studio tutorial typed up.

There are other things happening right now, but I only share those other things with newsletter subscribers. If you’re not already getting the newsletter, here’s your chance to do so.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh and How It Went

feminist zine fest pittsburgh table set up

Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh happened at the Irma Freeman Center for Imagination this year on June 17th.

Yes, it’s been a few weeks between the fest and this blog post talking about it. To be fair, I was working on KickStarter fulfillment, catching up on deadlines, and getting a new gig or two.

Now I can talk about the fest, of which there are two things about it I remember most clearly: Continue reading “Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh and How It Went”

Updates for July 6, 2017

validation clip of strip 403


Validation updated today!

Plus, The Case of the Wendigo updated last Wednesday. Patrons see new pages the Tuesday before public updates, and now you can see new pages on Patreon on Thursdays. 3 straight days of urban fantasy goodness!


The funding has arrived! I made a public post about how much came to me after dropped pledges and KickStarter fees, and what’s coming next.

Commissions for KickStarter backers are still a work in progress. Check back later.


My next appearance will be at Not At Con Day, which is July 22, at New Dimension Comics in Saint Clairsville, OH, from 12 pm to 5 pm. There will be new minicomics, new zines, and new 11 inch by 17 inch prints.

I’ve also been invited by Parkersburg Pop Con to make an appearance at their show on September 30th this year. Awesome!

A Filmmaker Approached Me

To be fair, at RathaCon this year, this filmmaker came forward to a couple of other creators at the show, asking if we had any projects that could be adapted to film.

I’ve been wanting to talk about comics versus film for a little while now, and the filmmaker’s approach was a good catalyst for this conversation. Especially because after he left, another creator came up to me and we spoke about the dude, and the creator said, “But comics are perfect for film adaptations!” Continue reading “A Filmmaker Approached Me”