Did I Reach My 2021 Goals?

It’s customary for me to write about my goals from the previous year; then to write about the goals I have for the upcoming year. So this post is Part 1 of a 2-Part series. (Part 2 will be tomorrow.)

More importantly…


Yes…and no. I met some, but not all.

Let’s break it down.


How completely self-indulgent to have a goal NOT related to work!

Here’s the thing: technically I DID make this one. But I didn’t get to everything on the initial list I had. 4 out of 5 pieces on my old crafting to-do list got done! Then I got sidetracked and began making new things.

That’s ok! I’ve decided to just pursue the things that bring me joy instead of dread. That’s more important. ESPECIALLY for a hobby.


This DID NOT HAPPEN. I did not make 5 new minicomics.

…But I DID make – and finish – The Legend of Azu-Mi. (At least, the art for it.) I’ll count that win for what it’s worth.


Yet another goal that DID NOT happen. I barely got two. Even then, one of the new prints, Kay the Valkyrie, is not 11×17 inches. I thought I had formatted the original working file to that size. Turns out, I did not.

I did, however, finish the art for one that had been a work in progress for two years – the Cryptid of Leaves. Here’s a peek at the original…

My new scanner bed is not quite big enough to accommodate this guy, though. So I’ll need to figure out how to digitize him to make prints.


This past year, there came the release of…

But that’s not 5 books.

That’s fine. I’ll consider it good that these even got done. Especially considering that The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 kept getting a LOT of setbacks – from production delays to book misprints.

And lastly…


I gave up on this one. Like, yes, I made a lot more videos on TikTok after I got on that platform. But actually editing video is my least favorite thing in the world to do. It’s right up there with bashing my head against the refrigerator door, or burning myself on pans while baking.

But I DID get into animation.

Look at them! I animated Jamie here! Thank you, Clip Studio Paint, for making that happen. Eventually, I’ll get used to your animation tools. Because currently, it’s like trying to read French.

I think we can all agree that 2021 was not the year we expected, or hoped, it would be. On my end of things, there were production issues, an encounter with a scam artist, and 3 deaths in the family in the final 6 months of the year. To be blunt, 2021 was shit. Basically 2020 part 2: Electric Boogaloo.

With that in mind, I’m going to…restructure a few things. But I’ll get into that tomorrow.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

Live Stream TODAY at 2 pm EDT

Today at 2 pm EDT, I’m live streaming on YouTube! We’re gonna’ chat about Kay the Valkyrie and their new wall print on KickStarter right now.

Who is Kay? Why a wall print? How do you even run a 7-day KickStarter campaign? What are the add-ons? That’s what we’re talking about today in the stream.

I’ll also be joined by my comics buddy Ben Wright-Heuman! He’ll help field questions you have in the live chat.

Can’t make it? The stream will be archived on YouTube shortly after it goes live.

This live stream is to promote Kay the Valkyrie on KickStarter…which has ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT on KickStarter! If you have the means, go pledge to get your print and extra rewards.

That’s all for now. Thank you for tuning in!

You. Are. Awesome.

A One-Week KickStarter Campaign?

I think the last time I ran a one-week-long KickStarter campaign, I ran one for funding Validation’s Final Push. Before that, I did a one-week campaign for Validation’s buttons. I kept those short because the asking goals were kept small. And that’s why I’m doing another one-week-long campaign.

If you missed my previous blog post, here’s the TL;DR: I want to get a new print in the world.

There are two things I’m doing WILDLY different this time.

  1. I’m offering only two main rewards for backers. But…
  2. I’m offering a variety of add-ons so backers can customize their orders!

I’m keeping the asking goal small because I don’t need much to make this happen. Just what I need to make back the cost of supplies. All the rewards for this campaign are things I have available right now. That, or they’re things I can make at home. So fulfillment will be really easy!

This KickStarter campaign SHOULD be ready to launch by Wednesday, Nov. 10.

The campaign is still being reviewed. As soon as it’s ready, I’m announcing the launch to my email newsletter peeps first.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

What’s Next? November 2021 Edition

Now that Inktober is over, what’s next for November?

There are two parts: Comics, and Kickstarter.


This sketch is for a new comic I’m writing, tentatively called Vanita and The Demon King. I’m scripting it as part of National Novel Writing Month. It’s a writer’s challenge to write a new story in 30 days. USUALLY, you write 50,000 words on a totally new idea. But I’m being a rebel and thumb-nailing comic pages. Really, my goal is to write for an hour a day and get this idea fully sketched out.

If you read the Inktober comic, know this: the story is NOT over yet! New pages will post on my email newsletter once a week. So if you want to see what’s next for our resident cat witch and crow witch, get on that list, yo.

Meanwhile, The Legend of Azu-Mi will have a new page up tomorrow. Next week, Azu-Mi will update twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Once Azu-Mi wraps up, The Legend of Jamie Roberts will resume its weekly Wednesday update schedule.


The Legend of Azu-Mi is happening because KickStarter backers unlocked it during the campaign for The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1. That campaign’s fulfillment is NEARLY done. Now there are just factors outside of my control to wait on.

Which leads me to…

I want to run a one-week KickStarter to get THIS beauty into print.

All the rewards are things I can print and ship from my in-studio set-up – no outside printer delays required. Right now, I’m planning out add-ons, the budget, and how to make gifting happen. Since we’re so close to the holiday shopping season, I’m considering adding the option for backers to choose if their reward is a gift for someone else…and if they want the rewards directly sent to the giftee.

I’ll be reaching out to my Discord peeps for feedback. If you’re a supporter through Ko-Fi or Patreon, you should already have access to the Tiny Dinos Discord server. Message me on the platform if you do not and you want to get on board.

With any luck, a campaign preview will be up by the end of this week. But email subscribers will be the first to know when it launches.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

The Final Week of Inktober 2021

And with that, Inktober has come to a close!

This is NOT the end of Mala and Bea’s story. I’ll continue to make it and post pages on my email newsletter, so be sure to subscribe if you want to see how the story goes!

For now, I’ll be working on that, and The Legend of Azu-Mi. Plus I’m participating in National Novel Writing Month this year (which starts TODAY). I’m being a rebel and scripting a comic book idea that’s been sitting up in my noggin for a year.

That’s all for the time being. Thank you for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.