Thoughtful Dinosaur’s KickStarter Run is Done

thoughtful dinosaur comic panel promo

Oh. My. Holy. Banana. Pants.

Thoughtful Dinosaur has been fully funded for its first print run, and we got way over our initial goal! So now backers will get not only the books, but they’ll get KickStarter-exclusive postcards and buttons (or pins, if you prefer to call them that). Pretty. Darn. Sweet.

Further updates regarding Thoughtful Dinosaur will now be happening over on the KickStarter page, and the updates will be public – for the most part. Of course there will be backer-only updates with information that regards them in particular, but everything else will be available for the public. That means you’ll see updates on how the book printing is going, what the buttons will look like, and lots of other fun stuff!

Again, be sure to check the Thoughtful Dinosaur page for more updates.

In other news, I have a timeline in mind for leaving the day job (yes, I have one. If you want to know what’s going on, read this post). It’s not immediate, but the goal is to be able to leave there and get something new going by April 2017.

What’s the plan for work after the day job? Right now my mind’s on freelancing full-time, which means saving back money until I can make the leap, but nothing is set in stone (yet). I want to stay open for new possibilities!

One possibility is doing more gallery work – Patrons on Patreon know I’ve been working on some new illustrations and paintings, as they’ve been getting snapshots of my works-in-progress. There’s a local gallery looking for new artists, and the deadline to submit a portfolio is December… or possibly January. One of the members there told me it changes depending on the weather, literally.

PLUS! I’m getting The Case of the Wendigo ready for launch within the next two weeks! Stay tuned for more updates.

So there’s some excitement on the horizon! Be sure to check back again by Tuesday.

Thank you for reading.

You. Are. Awesome.

Charlie & Clow’s Book Is Now Available

charlie and clow comic books

Awww yeah, the comic book copies of Charlie & Clow are finally here and ready to ship out of the Storenvy shop. The books are 26 pages of action with remastered lettering and behind-the-scenes sketches of the making of the comic.

If you haven’t gotten the book already, go get it by clicking here.

Now that RathaCon has wrapped up, I’ll be sharing more new stuff from my shop. There were a bunch of new things made for RathaCon, so if you couldn’t make it (or you made it but couldn’t get it), don’t worry – I’ll highlight the new stuff for ya over the next few days here on the blog.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

Decluttering to Make More Art

Today’s episode is a time-lapse feature, showing the making of a new illustration (and a Thoughtful Dinosaur comic strip) while talking about how great it’s been to de-clutter and get rid of stuff.

Yes, I have been watching a lot of WheezyWaiter videos lately, and yes, the spring cleaning bug has bit me. I’ll tell you what, though, it’s been great so far!

By the way, this week only, if you donate any amount through the PayPal button here on the site, you’ll get a piece of art from me mailed out to you. This week only, though!

Thanks for watching.

You. Are. Awesome.

So How’s the Writing So Far?

writing sketch
Sketched in Manga Studio.

December has hit, and it made me think of the goals I put in place last year and how they’ve panned out during 2015.

I wrote about my goals in an old post, but to sum up, I have four daily goals in mind. Everyday I would…

  • Write 1000 words
  • Draw 2 Sketchbook Pages
  • Walk/Exercise
  • Practice Spanish

I’ll talk about the progress of my other goals over the next few days, but today I just want to talk about Writing 1000 words everyday. Continue reading “So How’s the Writing So Far?”