I’m Off to Swarm Con This Weekend!

validation 156 promo
From Validation #156.

I’m hitting the road again, this time for Savannah, Georgia.



I found out about this show from my friend Chloe, a grad student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She and I are going to be in the Artist Alley April 25th and 26th, showing off and selling our work. If you can make it, I would love to see you there!

In the meantime, there’s a lot of webcomics available for you, from Validation to Johnson & Sir to the first chapter of Charlie & Clow.

(Johnson & Sir are still looking for guest comics! More info is available here.)

And of course, the KickStarter for Seeing Him, the Webcomic is still going! So pledge, spread the word, and help us reach our stretch goals before May 4!

And if you want to help fund another campaign, Pink Dollar Comics (the soon-to-be publisher for Seeing Him) is raising funds to get to Flame Con. So if you can, pledge and spread the word for them too!

When I come back (on Tuesday), I’ll tell you all about my trip.

And, who knows? There may be a sale on my Storenvy soon after. ;)

Thanks for reading!

Adam and Julianne at the Hockey Game

seeing him sketch adam and julianne at hockey game
Tone it down a bit there, Juli. Yeesh!

At a later point in chapter 1, on Adam and Kate’s second date, they both play a roller hockey game with their friends at the roller rink Kate manages. Unfortunately, Adam is terrible at roller hockey and Julianne got a penalty (“I’m ‘too aggressive,’ or whatever,” she says), so they both sit in the penalty box.

And then THIS happens.

I love ya, Julianne.

If you want to see more of their shenanigans, please pledge to Seeing Him, the Webcomic on KickStarter. And then tell your friends about it! Any bit of help is really appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. In yesterday’s blog post I said I would write about my DC trip this last weekend. Woops! I’ll remedy that tomorrow.

We Hit Our (First) Goal on KickStarter!

seeing him webcomic kate yay
(click to enlarge)

Thank you all SO MUCH for making Seeing Him, the Webcomic possible via KickStarter! We (Kia and I) are now fully funded! You are the best. <3

It really means a lot to me that you believe in this little love story of a trans man and a nerd girl. We needed more comics for and about trans men, and thanks to you, a new one is coming soon.

But it’s not quite over yet!

There are TWO stretch goals Kia and I want to unlock.

If we can get to $650, that means Kia can get a $100 stipend for all her work writing this comic. She was a little hesitant but I insisted on this one. She co-created this comic! She deserves a reward, too.

If we can get to $750, that means we can make 20 pages of comics!

We have other stretch goals in mind, but these two are ones we want to accomplish first.

Thank you for pledging to Seeing Him, the Webcomic! If you haven’t yet, please do so and help us reach our next goals. And please, help us spread the word!

You. Are. Awesome. <3

Adam and Greg Flex Muscles

seeing him adam and greg flex muscles
(click to enlarge)

Greg (on the left) and Adam (on the right) are best buddies. They met in their local bowling club and often go to the gym together.

Greg is a Spanish teacher who also runs an after-school sign language club and loves, loves, LOVES to bake and knit. While he almost always has “resting bastard face,” he’s actually a big sweetie.

Adam has tattoos on his arms that are usually covered by his scrubs, though he also has two scars on his chest from his mastectomy. Two tattoos cover them, saying “I am finally myself.”

Want to know more about their story? Check out my new KickStarter page for their webcomic, “Seeing Him.” And if you can, pledge support and spread the word!

Thanks for reading.

New Adam Sketch

seeing him adam
(click to enlarge)

Adam is fun to draw. I need to draw him more often.

In case you’re late to the game, Adam is the main romantic lead in Seeing Him, the Webcomic, which I’m running a KickStarter for.

More sketches of Adam are to come!

In the meantime, if you can, pledge to the KickStarter and spread the word. Every bit helps!

You. Are. Awesome.