At a later point in chapter 1, on Adam and Kate’s second date, they both play a roller hockey game with their friends at the roller rink Kate manages. Unfortunately, Adam is terrible at roller hockey and Julianne got a penalty (“I’m ‘too aggressive,’ or whatever,” she says), so they both sit in the penalty box.
When I started the new year, my original goal was to make 1 new eBook a month, and each book would have sketches I made over the course of the month, focused around a specific theme.
There’s no review today (I’ll have a new review for Review Day Tuesday next week).
Instead, I wanted to give you an update on my Superhero Ladies series of sketches.
I already wrote post after post about them, even one featuring Malarkey Maddie, a superheroine sketched for the series.
Well the good news is, there are now 31 sketches done, which is more than enough for the eBook!
I still have to spot check quite a few of them, but I can show you some of the finished ladies in the series.
And here are some snapshots from my camera of some of the looser, sketchier ones.
This one was actually named by one of my Twitter peeps. Thanks, @JN_Monk!
That last one is a trans girl because I realized towards the tail end of this project, “Crap! I could have incorporated more trans girls in this line up!” I’ll see if I can muster up at least one or two more, because I want this collection of characters to be diverse and inclusive, just like ladies IRL.
Although that reminds me of how I was going to add at least a few magical girls in this line up, as well, but in the end I really only got one. Oops.
The next step with this series is to make a sketch or two more, touch them all up, and then format them into an eBook so y’all can get a copy of this awesome collection for yourself!
The Superhero Ladies project is coming along nicely! I have 17 ladies already drawn and the month of January isn’t even over yet. Hopefully I can keep up the good work and have lots of awesome superheroines by the end of the month.
There’s a few characters in the project that I’m thinking of branching off into their own stories, or maybe even comics. So who knows?
Another project I’m working on is one I’m reviving from hiatus.
At the time, there was a lot of freelance work going on and I couldn’t update it consistently.
It was hitting an artistic wall, where I felt like every piece I made for the series was getting worse.
I wanted to experiment more with tools like watercolors and acrylics, and I didn’t have the resources or time to do it at the time.
But I’m bringing it back! With a few changes.
Firstly, there will be a new finished painting every month. Acrylic, watercolor, doesn’t matter. It’ll be a painting.
As progress is made on the paintings, I’ll be posting them on the Women Warriors Project blog. The intention is to make a chronological series of posts, showing a painting from initial sketch to finished piece. Tonight I made a sketch to develop an idea for the first painting, so expect to see it on the blog soon!
Know any cool historical women warriors? Leave their names in the comments below!