I’m Leaving DeviantArt Soon

tiger sketch
An old sketch, but a good sketch.

Let me answer some questions first.

“People are still on DeviantArt?”

Yes, they are. In fact, there’s quite a LOT of people on that site just ready to like your work.

“Where’s your page on the site?”

Here. I’m thinking that even though I’m leaving, I’ll still leave my page online so people can find me and my work.

“Why do you want to leave DeviantArt?” Continue reading “I’m Leaving DeviantArt Soon”

Free Graphic Novel Day and How It Went

Last Saturday I went to New Dimension Comics in Saint Clairsville, OH to sell my wares. It was almost like a convention, but at a bookstore (and there was only one other artist selling stuff there). I made this video to talk about how it went! (Sorry there’s no footage of the crowds of people I met, but there were so many that I didn’t have time to pull the camera out of my bag).

Here’s some links to the stuff I mentioned in the video that’s all for sale: Continue reading “Free Graphic Novel Day and How It Went”

New Art Coming to the Website Soon

I’ve been updating the galleries on this site, starting with the Commissioned Works gallery. I FINALLY found a plugin that’ll work on the site that’ll show the art and not look like garbage.

The Illustrations section will be split into subsections so I can feature The Women Warriors, Subversive Girls, and a few other series’ of illustrations.

A gallery of Sketches is also slated to reappear…somehow…in some way…

New Goals for 2016

water mage illustration by kelci crawford in copic markers
“Water Mage,” the first illustration of 2016. (Also on DeviantArt and Tumblr).

This year, I’m all about making things on the weekly.

The thing is, last year my goals were to do specific things EVERY DAY. After a while, that got really hard to accomplish with just one goal, but I had FOUR to keep up with.

This year, I’m going to go easier on myself in terms of production.

So no more writing 1000 words per day, no drawing two sketchbooks per day (though this year I’ll do my best to draw at least one each day, just to make sure I don’t get rusty), no more overloading myself with daily chores.

This year, I aim to… Continue reading “New Goals for 2016”