Vlogs Have Returned

Please excuse the almost-one-month long absence of new videos. Here’s a new episode to let you know what’s been going on.

If you have read Jam! Tales From the World of Roller Derby, let me know what you thought in the comments below.

Thanks for watching!

You. Are. Awesome.

My Gumroad Shop Is Closing Soon

kelci crawford gumroad shop front
Click to be taken to my Gumroad Shop

As I’m writing this, I have three online storefronts – one on Storenvy, one on Gumroad, and one on Society6. Storenvy is where I list my convention swag, like books, prints, and minicomics. Gumroad is for digital downloads, and Society6 is for print-on-demand things like T-shirts. These are not including Patreon, a platform that lets folks pledge monthly in exchange for rewards.

I’ve been thinking, planning, plotting, scheming, and stroking my cats in my not-evil lair, thinking of ways to simplify things so I have only one storefront and a Patreon page.

Here’s what I’ve concluded – after watching how well the shops are doing, I’m going to transition more and more things over… to Storenvy.

This means my Gumroad shop is going to shut down soon – ish. Continue reading “My Gumroad Shop Is Closing Soon”

Introducing the MiniPrint

Available as a mini-print on Storenvy
Available as a mini-print on Storenvy.

I’m a fan of mini things, like minicomics. That’s why I make so many of them – they’re small, fun, and easy to make.

Turns out, miniprints are easy to make, too.

What’s a miniprint? Well it’s a print (like a poster), but small – like 5 inches by 7 inches, or even as small as 4 inches by 6 inches. They’re not postcards, but they’re the size of one. Continue reading “Introducing the MiniPrint”

Charlie & Clow’s Book Is Now Available

charlie and clow comic books

Awww yeah, the comic book copies of Charlie & Clow are finally here and ready to ship out of the Storenvy shop. The books are 26 pages of action with remastered lettering and behind-the-scenes sketches of the making of the comic.

If you haven’t gotten the book already, go get it by clicking here.

Now that RathaCon has wrapped up, I’ll be sharing more new stuff from my shop. There were a bunch of new things made for RathaCon, so if you couldn’t make it (or you made it but couldn’t get it), don’t worry – I’ll highlight the new stuff for ya over the next few days here on the blog.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

You. Are. Awesome.

I’m Going to RathaCon

Oh hey, a super short video update to let you know I’m going to RathaCon this weekend in Athens, OH.

I went to RathaCon last year and it was a lot of fun. They asked me to come back again this year, to which I said, “OF FREAKING COURSE,” and if you’re in the area, you can see me May 7th and 8th at the Athens Community Center.

Hope to see you there!

If you can’t make it, you can still pre-order the first issue of Charlie & Clow. Patrons of Validation also get a cool little bonus.

Thanks for watching and reading!

You. Are. Awesome.