I have so many updates for you – from stickers and grants to Fan Clubs and conventions.
First, The Stickers.
Godzilla and King Kong did not reach their goal…officially. I posted as much in a Crowdfundr update and on the Fantasyville Discord server. And as soon as I posted, super-fan Jessica made an extra PayPal contribution to cover the gap! Thank you, Jessica!
So the Godzilla and King Kong booty shorts stickers are officially happening! In fact, by the time you read this, the stickers will be in production at the printer.
I’m hoping to make more stickers because…
Second, I got a grant from the Toledo Arts Commission!
As part of their Rescue Plan grant program, I’m receiving a grant. It will help pivot my business to be less dependent on in-person events like conventions, which were hit hard during the pandemic. I’d like to use a portion of this funding to get a new printer, so I can make stickers and prints in the studio again. Because…
Third, I’m giving the Fan Clubs an overhaul!
The Fan Clubs are a subscription service I built using Ko-fi and my website. How does it work? By pledging $3, $5, or $15 a month, patrons get exclusive rewards, like early webcomic updates, exclusive backer rewards, digital zines, and more.
Based on feedback I got through a survey sent out over the weekend, I’m overhauling this subscription service. The $3 Digital Club is staying the same (for the most part), but the Zine and Art Club tiers are getting major reboots. I want members to receive new stickers and prints. So stay tuned – when the changes are finalized, I’ll announce them here and in my newsletter.
Fourth, Conventions.
I am still making in-person appearances in June! You can find me on the following dates, at the following events, in the following cities…
- June 8, Be Excellent Festival of Games, Sylvania, OH
- June 15-16, Ann Arbor Comic Arts Fest, Ann Arbor, MI
- June 22, Free RPG Day at Dragon’s Roost Coffee and Games, Holland, OH
At these shows, I’m debuting the Godzilla and King Kong stickers PLUS a new 11×17-inch print! Here’s a peek at just one part of the print:

I’m also bringing back an old (but good) 11×17-inch print. Plus, The Legend of Jamie Roberts, volume 1 AND The Case of the Wendigo are debuting their new print runs at these shows!
This reminds me – for June, my Ko-fi shop will carry digital products ONLY. This will lead to a larger overhaul of the shop as a whole. But for now, the physical stock is going with me to these events.
As I get back from each show, I will, of course, share my experiences with y’all! So keep an eye on this blog for more updates. And subscribe to the newsletter for webcomics, Featured Artist Friday, and more. Since I’m not really on social media much nowadays, the newsletter is the best way to stay in touch with me.
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!
You. Are. Awesome.