The Almost-End of the Year Announcements

t rex vs shark t shirt
It’s T-Rex vs. Shark in my new shirt! Click the image to get this for your very own.

Please forgive my absence on the blog. There were book printers to hassle with, fights in the family to resolve (thankfully all offline), and a funeral to attend last weekend. In short, life was a total pain in the ass.

For the most part, things are resolved now. So I thought I would clue you in on some updates. Continue reading “The Almost-End of the Year Announcements”

New Studio Space! Plus More Updates

new studio space

Yes, that’s right – I got a new space set up for all my comics-making needs!

It’s roomier, I don’t have to move equipment all the time, and the natural lighting is AMAZING. I think the biggest plus about this space is it’s no longer in my bedroom. So not only do I not have to fit all of this in a four foot square space so I have enough room to sleep, but now I can focus on creating. No longer will I look over to the bed and think, “A nap is in order today.”

I already used the new space last night and I can safely say I LOVE this arrangement. Everything is much more intuitive now.

new studio space

Let’s see, what other news can I share? Continue reading “New Studio Space! Plus More Updates”

Johnson & Sir’s Campaign is Finished

johnson and sir fully funded kickstarter

Johnson & Sir is 100 pages and 2 years worth of silliness with elves, dinosaurs, mustaches, and anime cops. I had a blast making it, talking about it, and making prints and t-shirts for it.

I’m still blown away that the KickStarter to fund the book has not just reached the initial goal, but hit TWO stretch goals! Which means even more rewards for backers.

I want to say, thank you SO MUCH for reading the webcomic, and for all of your support. It’s readers like you that helped make Johnson & Sir be so popular and great.

So what’s next? Continue reading “Johnson & Sir’s Campaign is Finished”