Today at 7 pm EST, let’s celebrate the launch of this 2-in-1 KickStarter campaign! This campaign is to fund New Punk Signal AND Fwishi’shi coming to print!
I have a series of crowdfunding campaign updates involving robots, C’s, and radio shows.
Let’s break it down one campaign at a time…
Universal Flaws of Robotics
We reached out to KickStarter and got a deadline extension! We’re now running until August 20.
This is a new feature – I didn’t know KickStarter would let you do this. This is apparently an option you can only ask for if you haven’t hit your goal yet.
Which, yep – we’re still shy of hitting our goal on this one.
So if you haven’t checked out this comics anthology about robots, please do over on KickStarter! Back it if you can, share the link if you’re broke.
This campaign now ends on August 20!
C Stands For…
This anthology from the Columbus Cartoon Coalition is still running to its goal! If met, contributors to the anthology will get a pay bump of $10 per page. If $1500+ is raised, the pay rate goes up to $15/page!
These two stories focus on podcasts/radio shows, community, and the power of platonic love. And they’re coming to KickStarter in a 2-books-in-1 campaign!
Now, thanks to a grant from the Toledo Arts Commission, many expenses for these books are covered. But both books will need a little extra to make it to print – plus KickStarter can help distribute these books to more readers.
The page will be live by this Friday, August 16. If you want first dibs on these books and their rewards, sign up for my email newsletter. It’s free and private.
As For Everything Else…
I will be updating my Ko-fi shop to de-list certain items, as those items will be available in the New Punk Signal and Fwishi’shi Kickstarter campaign coming up this weekend.
Now, prices for commissions did go up. And that’s because I realized that the prices in my head did not match modern-day, post-inflation pricing. I still have rent to pay and groceries to get, so I upped my rates to cover those as much as possible.
(Now, if you saw the new prices and thought, “What? That’s too high!” First, I get it. Second, email newsletter subscribers and Ko-fi Club members get discount codes on commissions. Pick the outlet that works best for your budget.)
I will also be updating my “Hire Me” page to simplify my offerings and match my pricing to something that will actually help me live and cover bills.
There’s a new robots comics anthology coming to KickStarter!
Canonwrite Productions got 19 different creators together for The Universal Flaws of Robotics, a comics anthology all about robots. I did a short story for it, and served as editor for some of the stories!
This campaign will be Canonwrite’s biggest campaign yet, asking for $9,000 to pay contributors and make an offset print run of the paperback books. So be sure to spread the word so we can get as many folks as possible hyped!
Now live on KickStarter, it’s the Zine Club Pledge Drive!
I love making zines!
For the first half of my webcomics-making career, I offered zines as rewards for patrons on Patreon…back when I was on the platform. After I left Patreon, I moved to Ko-Fi and offered the Zine Club as a membership tier.
Right now, our membership is small – less than 13 people. We are a pretty cozy community of creative folks. I love them! AND I would love to grow the club to more members. To get more zines out into the world AND to make more webcomics happen!
Growing the Zine Club would also mean less of a need to hustle so much for income. Less hustling means more time for making rewards, too.
With your help, I would LOVE to grow the Zine club to make these goals happen. KEEP IN MIND, These are set intentionally low so we can hit goals and spread the word faster:
(This is already unlocked!) If we raise our Base Goal of $72, all backers and Zine Club members will get the Deluxe version of my tabletop roleplaying game, Toe Beans & Broomsticks! This game was originally designed for Free RPG Day last year. In it, you play as magic-casting cats, crows, dogs, and owls on a Saturday Morning adventure. The Deluxe edition of the game will have updated character tokens, NPCs, and a homebrewed game setting, The Lost Scroll of Madam Jellybean!
(ALSO UNLOCKED!) If we raise $143, all backers and Zine Club members will get the remastered PDF of Thoughtful Dinosaur!
If we raise $220, all backers and Zine Club members will get the PDF of New Punk Signal (The Signal So Far), the spin-off/sequel to Validation featuring everyone’s favorite himbos, Mike & Steve.
At $385, all backers and Zine Club members will get The Lore of Jamie Roberts, the zine containing SO MUCH RESEARCH that went into The Legend of Jamie Roberts. The zine will also contain concept art and a recipe for the pepper soup that appears in Chapter 3 of The Legend.
We also have stretch goals if we go BEYOND $385! But we’ll unlock those when we get there.
Can you pledge and become a member – even for just a month?
Then back this campaign! There are base rewards on the main page, and whichever one you click, you have your choice of add-ons to pick with your bundle!
Broke? Share this campaign far and wide! Sharing is caring and it helps more than you know. The link is
That’s all for now. Thank you so much for your support!
They’re cute, cuddly little goblins who steal your food and your hearts. It’s CATS!
BEHOLD! I have put together an art book full of cat sketches I drew during the Inktober challenge of 2023!
I got the idea at Small Press Expo when someone came up to my table and spotted The Stars of Fantasyville (my 2022 Inktober sketchbook). They saw Duchess, my black cat character on the front and flipped through it. And they said, “Oh I thought the whole book was cats.”
And I said, “That’s my NEXT book!” So I made it happen.
I had been meaning to make an art book of cats for a while, anyway, and that was the signal I needed to make it happen.
With YOUR help, because I don’t have the budget to print these books on my own.
Thanks to a generous patron on Ko-fi, I DO have about $70 saved back for this project. Which is enough to cover the books getting shipped to me. Here’s a breakdown of what we still need to make this happen:
I’m not getting an ISBN or barcode for this book to keep the circulation small. As cute as the idea is, I don’t expect this book to pop up at Barnes & Noble or something similar. CATS is more of an art zine. Let it be a collector’s item!
As for shipping to backers, Crowdfundr has shipping costs as a separate line item in the budget. So I can just ask for the goal, but still get the funding needed to ship stuff because it’s handled separately! It’s kooky compared to KickStarter, but it works.
“Who’s printing the book?” you might ask.
We’re going to the same folks who printed The Stars of Fantasyville to print these CATS books…MIXAM! For art books, their print and paper quality is *chef’s kiss* marvelous. Plus they’re fast and budget-friendly, and their customer service is stellar.
This campaign is only open for ONE WEEK and ENDS on Jan 18. For reasons why it’s so short, I go into it on the campaign page.
If you can, please consider pre-ordering your copy of CATS: A Sketchbook! We also have other rewards available, which you can pick and choose a la carte to make your reward bundles! Many of these rewards are digital, too, so if you’re international, I have you covered.
Broke? Share this campaign far and wide! Sharing is caring and helps more than you know.
We have UNTIL Jan 18 to make this happen!
That’s all for now. Thank you for your time and support!